
See PublishedAPI for packages intended to be used by Plugin and Contrib authors, or browse all packages.
See also Developing plugins, Developer's Bible, Technical Overview

Parent package: Foswiki
Child packages:

    internal package Foswiki::Attach

    A singleton object of this class is used to deal with attachments to topics.

    ClassMethod new($session)


    ObjectMethod finish()

    Break circular references.

    ObjectMethod renderMetaData( $topicObject, $args ) → $text

    Generate a table of attachments suitable for the bottom of a topic view, using templates for the header, footer and each row.
    • $topicObject the topic
    • $args hash of attachment arguments

    Renders these tokens for each attachment:
    • %A_ATTRS% - attributes
    • %A_COMMENT% - comment
    • %A_DATE% - upload date in user friendly format
    • %A_EPOCH% - upload date in epoch seconds
    • %A_EFILE% - encoded file name
    • %A_EXT% - file extension
    • %A_FILE% - file name
    • %A_FILESIZE% - filesize in bytes to be used in sorting
    • %A_ICON% - %ICON{}% macro around file extension
    • %A_REV% - revision
    • %A_SIZE% - filesize in user friendly notation
    • %A_URL% - attachment file url
    • %A_USER% - user who has uploaded the last version in 'web.usertopic' notation
    • %A_USERNAME% - user who has uploaded the last version in 'usertopic' notation
    • %A_COUNT% - attachment number (starting from 1)

    Renders these row helper tokens:
    • %R_STARTROW_N% - where N is the desired number of attachments in a row; true if a new row should be started
    • %R_ENDROW_N% - where N is the desired number of attachments in a row; true if a row should be closed

    ObjectMethod formatVersions ( $topicObject, $attrs ) → $text

    Generate a version history table for a single attachment
    • $topicObject - the topic
    • $attrs - Hash of meta-data attributes

    • $topicObject - The topic
    • $name - Name of the attachment

    Build a link to the attachment, suitable for insertion in the topic.

    Topic revision: r1 - 20 Sep 2024, UnknownUser
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