
See PublishedAPI for packages intended to be used by Plugin and Contrib authors, or browse all packages.
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Parent package: Foswiki::Contrib::MailerContrib
Child packages:

    internal package Foswiki::Contrib::MailerContrib::Subscription

    Object that represents a subscription to notification on a set of pages. A subscription is expressed as a set of page specs (each of which may contain wildcards) and a depth of children of matching pages that the user is subscribed to.

    ClassMethod new($pages, $childDepth, $options)

    Create a new subscription.

    stringify() → string

    Return a string representation of this object, in WebNotify format.

    ObjectMethod matches($topic, $db, $depth) → boolean

    • $topic - Topic names we are checking (may be an array ref)
    • $db - Foswiki::Contrib::MailerContrib::UpData database of parent names
    • $depth - If non-zero, check if the parent of the given topic matches as well. undef = 0.
    Check if we match this topic. Recurses up the parenthood tree seeing if this is a child of a parent that matches within the depth range.

    ObjectMethod covers($other, $db) → $boolean

    Return true if this subscription already covers all the topics specified by another subscription. Thus:
    • AA;B covers AB, AxB
    • AA; covers AA;B
    • A;B does not cover AA;

    ObjectMethod filterExact( \@pages ) → $boolean

    If this subscription has an exact (string) match to any of the page expressions passed, remove it and return true. * \@pages - list of page expressions to filter

    ObjectMethod getMode() → $mode

    Get the newsletter mode of this subscription ('', '?' or '!') as specified in WebNotify.

    ObjectMethod equals($other) → $boolean

    Compare two subscriptions.

    Topic revision: r1 - 20 Sep 2024, UnknownUser
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