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Parent package: Foswiki::Form
Child packages:

    internal package Foswiki::Form::FieldDefinition

    Base class of all field definition classes.

    Type-specific classes are derived from this class to define specific per-type behaviours. This class also provides default behaviours for when a specific type cannot be loaded.

    ClassMethod new(%...)

    Construct a new FieldDefinition. Parameters are passed in a hash. See for how it is called. Subclasses should pass @_ on to this class.

    ObjectMethod finish()

    Break circular references.

    isEditable() → $boolean

    Is the field type editable? Labels aren't, for example. Subclasses may need to redefine this.

    isMultiValued() → $boolean

    Is the field type multi-valued (i.e. does it store multiple values)? Subclasses may need to redefine this.

    isValueMapped() → $boolean

    Is the field type has got a value map, see ListFieldDefinition

    isTextMergeable() → $boolean

    Is this field type mergeable using a conventional text merge?

    isMandatory() → $boolean

    Is this field mandatory (required)?

    renderForEdit( $topicObject, $value ) → ($col0html, $col1html)

    $topicObject - the topic being edited Render the field for editing. Returns two chunks of HTML; the $col0html is appended to the HTML for the first column in the form table, and the $col1html is used as the content of the second column.

    cssClasses(@classes) → $classes

    Construct a list of the CSS classes for the form field. Adds additional class specifiers related to the attributes of the field e.g mandatory. Pass it a list of the other classnames you want on the field.

    getDefaultValue() → $value

    Try and get a sensible default value for the field from the values stored in the form definition. The result should be a value string.

    Some subclasses may not support the definition of defaults in the form definition. In that case this method should return undef.

    renderHidden($meta) → $html

    Render the form in $meta as a set of hidden fields.

    ObjectMethod populateMetaDataFromQuery( $query, $meta, $old ) → ($bValid, $bPresent)

    Given a CGI $query, a $meta object, and an array of $old field entries, then populate the $meta with a row for this field definition, taking the content from the query if it's there, otherwise from $old or failing that, from the default defined for the type. Refuses to update mandatory fields that have an empty value.

    Return $bValid true if the value in $meta was updated (either from the query or from a default in the form. Return $bPresent true if a value was present in the query (even it was undef)

    ObjectMethod createMetaKeyValues( $query, $meta, $keyvalues ) → $keyvalues

    Create meta key/value pairs hash, to be overridden by subclasses. Default implementation passes all inputs unchanged.

    ObjectMethod renderForDisplay($format, $value, $attrs) → $html

    Render the field for display, under the control of $attrs.

    (protected) means the resulting string is run through Foswiki::Render::protectFormFieldValue.

    • format - the format to be expanded. The following tokens are available:
      • $title - title of the form field. if this is not available from the value, then the default title is taken from the form field definition.
      • $value - expanded to the (protected) value of the form field before mapping
      • =$value(display) - expanded to the (protected) value of the form field after mapping
      • $attributes - from the field definition
      • $type - from the field definition
      • $size - from the field definition
      • $definingTopic - topic in which the field is defined
    • $value - the scalar value of the field
    • $attrs - attributes. Fields used are:
      • showhidden - set to override H attribute
      • newline - replace newlines with this (default <br>)
      • bar - replace vbar with this (default &#124)
      • break - boolean, set to hyphenate
      • protectdollar - set to escape $
      • usetitle - if set, use this for the title rather than the title from the form definition

    ObjectMethod getDisplayValue($value) → $html

    Given a value for this form field, return the mapped value suitable for display. This is used when a form field must be displayed using a different format to the way the value is stored.

    The default does nothing.

    Topic revision: r1 - 20 Sep 2024, UnknownUser
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