
See PublishedAPI for packages intended to be used by Plugin and Contrib authors, or browse all packages.
See also Developing plugins, Developer's Bible, Technical Overview

Parent package: Foswiki::Plugins::ImagePlugin
Child packages:

    internal package Foswiki::Plugins::ImagePlugin::Filter

    This class implements ways to manipulate images using filers, i.e. it tries to mimik commonly known instagram filters

    ClassMethod new($core) → $filterService

    Note that a filter service is cerated by the image core delegating operations on images down to this class.

    ObjectMethod mage() → $imageMagick

    returns a delegate of the main Image::Magick object in the core

    See Foswiki::Plugins::ImagePlugin::Core::mage()

    ObjectMethod createImage() → $imageMagick

    returns a fresh Image::Magick object

    See Foswiki::Plugins::ImagePlugin::Core::createImage()

    ObjectMethod apply($filterName) → $result

    calls the appropriate filter_... method. The special filter name "none" does nothing. Note that filter aliases may be specified such as "negative" actually is "negate", "saturation" is "saturate" as configured in the class constructor.

    ObjectMethod filter_autogamma()

    low-level filter AutoGamma

    ObjectMethod filter_autolevel()

    low-level filter AutoLevel

    ObjectMethod filter_background($color)

    low-level filter AutoLevel

    ObjectMethod filter_blueshift($fractor)

    default 1.5

    ObjectMethod filter_blur($radius, $sigma)

    ObjectMethod filter_brightness($brightness)

    default 150

    ObjectMethod filter_charcoal($radius, $sigma)

    ObjectMethod filter_colorize($fill, $blend)

    default blend 50%

    ObjectMethod filter_contrast(@contrasts)

    default contrast 5

    ObjectMethod filter_emboss($radius, $sigma)

    ObjectMethod filter_equalize($channel)

    default channel: all

    ObjectMethod filter_gamma($gamma)

    default gamma: 2.2

    ObjectMethod filter_grayscale($factor)

    default 100%

    ObjectMethod filter_hue($hue)

    default 150

    ObjectMethod filter_level(@levels)

    ObjectMethod filter_levelcolors($color1, $color2, $invert)

    ObjectMethod filter_negate()

    ObjectMethod filter_noise($noise, $attenuate)

    default noise: Uniform

    ObjectMethod filter_normalize($channel)

    default channel: all

    ObjectMethod filter_oilpaint($radius)

    default radius: 1

    ObjectMethod filter_posterize($levels)

    default levels: 1

    ObjectMethod filter_saturate($saturation)

    default saturation: 150

    ObjectMethod filter_sepia($factor)

    default factor: 100%

    ObjectMethod filter_tint($fill)

    default fill: wheat

    ObjectMethod filter_vignette($factor, $color)

    default factor: 1

    default color: "black"

    ObjectMethod filter_1977($factor)

    instagram look-alike filters

    default factor: 100%

    ObjectMethod filter_gotham($factor)

    default factor: 100%

    ObjectMethod filter_inkwell($factor)

    ObjectMethod filter_kelvin($factor)

    ObjectMethod filter_moon($factor)

    ObjectMethod filter_lomo($factor)

    ObjectMethod filter_nashville($factor)

    ObjectMethod filter_toaster($factor)

    ObjectMethod filter_hudson($factor)

    Topic revision: r1 - 20 Sep 2024, UnknownUser
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