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Parent package: Foswiki::Prefs
Child packages:

    UNPUBLISHED package Foswiki::Prefs::Web

    This class is a simple wrapper around Foswiki::Prefs::Stack. Since Webs has an hierarchical structure it's needed only one stack to deal with preferences from Web and Web/Subweb and Web/Subweb/Subsubweb. This class has a reference to a stack and the level where the web is.

    This class is used by Foswiki::Prefs to pass web preferences to Foswiki::Meta and should not be used for anything else.

    ClassMethod new( $session )

    Creates a new WebPrefs object.

    ObjectMethod finish()

    Break circular references.

    ObjectMethod isInTopOfStack() → $boolean

    Returns true if this web is the hihger of the underlying stack object.

    ObjectMethod stack() → $stack

    Read-only accessor to the underlying stack object.

    ObjectMethod cloneStack($level) → $stack

    This method clone the underlying stack object, to the given $level. See Foswiki::Prefs::Stack::clone documentation.

    This method exists because WebPrefs objects are used by Foswiki::Prefs instead of bar Foswiki::Prefs::Stack and this operation is needed.

    ObjectMethod get($pref) → $value

    Returns the $value of the given $pref.

    Topic revision: r1 - 20 Sep 2024, UnknownUser
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