Foswiki Release 1.1.10

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Foswiki - The Free and Open Source Wiki

Foswiki is an enterprise collaboration and information sharing tool targeted for professional use in many types of organizations: from small businesses to multi-nationals, from one-product open source groups, to worldwide research networks.

Foswiki is a wiki: fundamentally, a website with editable web pages. It looks like a normal web site but it encourages contributions, edits, updates, questions, and answers from its users. It's a powerful way of enabling a community to communicate asynchronously using intranet and public internet websites. Foswiki is simple to learn and use. It aims to provide a transparent way for you to publish and exchange your ideas with others over the web and eliminates the one-webmaster syndrome of outdated intranet content.

Foswiki is a structured wiki with tools that enable users without programming skills to build powerful yet simple applications to process information and support workflows. Developers can extend the functionality of Foswiki with plugins.

Foswiki is the old TWiki project under a new name. Restrictions on the use of the TWiki brand resulted in many of its developers continuing the project under the new Foswiki name. Foswiki is backwards compatible with all content from older TWiki installations. Foswiki 1.1 ships with a TWikiCompatibilityPlugin, thus enabling most extensions made for TWiki to work under Foswiki. Since the start of the Foswiki project there have been several releases of TWiki, However there have been very few functionality changes, and the useful changes have all been tracked in Foswiki, so topics and wiki applications supported by TWiki should also work with Foswiki.

Foswiki is released under the GNU General Public License.

Foswiki Releases

  • Foswiki 1.0.0, the first Foswiki was released on 09 Jan 2009.
  • Foswiki 1.0.1, 1.0.2 and 1.0.3 were released internally in the development community, but were never publicly released.
  • Foswiki 1.0.4 was built 19 Mar 2009. It is a patch release with more than 120 bug fixes relative to 1.0.0 and only very few minor enhancements.
  • Foswiki 1.0.5 was built 25 Apr 2009. It is a patch release with more than 150 bug fixes relative to 1.0.0 and a few enhancements. This patch release further enhances the robustness and the security of the Foswiki software.
  • Foswiki 1.0.6 was built 21 Jun 2009. It is a patch release with more than 200 bug fixes relative to 1.0.0 and some enhancements. This version introduces a major enhancement in security against Cross-Site Request Forgery. Further more a central translation framework got introduced which ease the translation process and enables all users to contribute to translations.
  • Foswiki 1.0.7 was built 20 Sep 2009. It is a patch release with more than 240 bug fixes relative to 1.0.0 and some enhancements. This release fixes some serious issues introduced by the CSRF fix and the redirect cache fix in 1.0.6. Major enhancement that also fixes many annoying editor bugs is the upgrade of the Tiny MCE editor to version 3.2.2.
  • Foswiki 1.0.8 was built 29 Nov 2009. It is a patch release with more than 280 bug fixes relative to 1.0.0 and some enhancements. This release fixes a short list of quite annoying old bugs incl a bug that prevented efficient use of MailerContrib for producing newsletters. The Wysiwyg editor has been upgraded with the latest Tiny MCE editor release 3.2.7.
  • Foswiki 1.0.9 was built 17 Jan 2010. It is a patch release with more than 320 bug fixes relative to 1.0.0 and several enhancements. This release fixes many bugs in the Wysiwyg editor, bugs related to more advanced wiki applications and bugs in the Plugin API. It contains several bug fixes and enhancements related to security and spam fighting.
  • Foswiki 1.0.10 was built 08 Sep 2010 as a patch release with more than 410 bug fixes relative to 1.0.0. It is assumed to be the last 1.0.X release.
  • Foswiki 1.1.0 was built 04 Oct 2010. It is a release with more than 270 bug fixes relative to 1.0.10 and more than 680 bug fixes relative to 1.0.0. And the release adds more than 100 enhancements. Foswiki 1.1.0 introduces jQuery Javascript user interface framework, improved topic history display, new QUERY and FORMAT macros, better userinterfaces for groups, much improved WYSIWYG editor, facelift of the default skin, much improved configure tool, and many more enhancements.
  • Foswiki 1.1.1 was built 25 Oct 2010. It is a release that fixes some important bugs that were introduced in 1.1.0. It is highly recommended that all running 1.1.0 upgrade to 1.1.1.
  • Foswiki 1.1.2 was built 09 Nov 2010. It is a release that fixes some very important bugs incl. a security related bug. Installations running 1.1.0 and 1.1.1 should be upgraded to 1.1.2
  • Foswiki 1.1.3 was built 16 Apr 2011. It is a release that fixes more than 150 bugs. jQuery has been updated to 1.4.3. The default PatternSkin has some usability improvements.
  • Foswiki 1.1.4 was built 20 Dec 2011. It is a release that fixes some very important including some security related issues. It contains 143 fixes and 27 enhancements. jQuery has been updated to 1.7.1.
  • Foswiki 1.1.5 was built 10 Apr 2012. It is a release that fixes some very important issues including some security related issues. It contains 100 fixes and 20 enhancements.
  • Foswiki 1.1.6 was built 02 Dec 2012. It is a release that fixes some important issues including some minor security related issues. It contains 94 fixes and 27 enhancements.
  • Foswiki 1.1.7 was built 01 Feb 2013. It is a release that fixes CVE-2012-6329 and CVE-2012-6330. It contains 20 fixes and 4 enhancements.
  • Foswiki 1.1.8 was built 28 Feb 2013. It is a release that fixes CVE-2013-1666. It contains 4 fixes.
  • Foswiki 1.1.9 was built 18 Nov 2013. It is a release that contains 44 fixes and 4 enhancements.
  • Foswiki 1.1.10 was built 23 Nov 2015. It is a release that contains 8 fixes and 8 enhancements.

Foswiki 1.1.10 is indended to be the final patch release in the Foswiki 1.1 Release stream.

Pre-installed Extensions

Foswiki 1.1 ships with the following:

  • Plugins: AutoViewTemplatePlugin, CommentPlugin, EditTablePlugin, EmptyPlugin, HistoryPlugin, InterwikiPlugin, JQueryPlugin, PreferencesPlugin, RenderListPlugin, SlideShowPlugin, SmiliesPlugin, SpreadSheetPlugin, TablePlugin, TinyMCEPlugin, TwistyPlugin, WysiwygPlugin
  • Contribs: CompareRevisionsAddOn, FamFamFamContrib, JSCalendarContrib, MailerContrib, PatchFoswikiContrib, TipsContrib, TopicUserMappingContrib
  • Skins: PatternSkin
  • Compatibility support - TWikiCompatibilityPlugin

Important changes in Foswiki 1.1.10 (This release)

Foswiki 1.1.10 is a compatibility release for sites unable to upgrade to Foswiki 2.0. It contains fixes for Perl and CPAN compatibility issues that can arise after a system upgrade. It has been tested with perl versions 5.8.8 thru 5.23. It also contains backports of important Foswiki 2.0 features necessary for compatibility with extensions released for Foswiki 2.0.

This release refreshes all default extensions to the version shipped with Foswiki 2.0, with the exception of TopicUserMappingContrib and PatternSkin. The new version of these extensions are not compatible with Foswiki 1.1.

Foswiki 1.1.10 does not contain fixes for security issues fixed in the Foswiki 2.0.x releases. Upgrade to the latest Foswiki release is strongly recommended.

ACL Changes

Foswiki 1.1.10 backports the new wildcard ACL. ALLOW and DENY rules can now be set to "*" asterisk, which means always match. In Foswiki 2.0, this is used to deprecate the old "Empty" deny rule. Foswiki 1.1.10 still supports the empty deny rules, but also supports the "ALLOW *" for allow all.

SpreadSheetPlugin changes

The CALC and CALCULATE macros now encode < and > as entities, which prevents some paths used to insert script tags. If your user's topics require CALC or CALCULATE to generate HTML, then you must enable the following setting:
This setting can be set in the topic, web, user or site perferences.

Important changes in Foswiki 1.1.9

Release 1.1.9 fixes a number of important bugs. Several are security related and we strongly recommend that sites upgrade to this release.
  • The %TOPICLIST% macro now omits topics that cannot be read by the user. Foswiki should not reveal the presence of topics to users who don't have the authority to view the topic.
  • Login using url parameters has been restricted. Details below..

Release 1.1.9 addresses several issues that impact sites that have upgraded or will upgrade to newer versions of perl and CPAN modules. We strongly recommend that foswiki be upgraded to 1.1.9 prior to updating to a new release of perl or CPAN modules.

Two serious performance issues have been corrected. The TablePlugin amassed CSS from all visited topics, growing with each view. And an error in SEARCH caused exponential growth of the search expressions which could cause out of memory issues on the server. These could be especially severe for sites using FastCGI or Mod_Perl.

See ReleaseNotes01x01 for details.

JQuery upgrade

This release ships with several upgraded versions of JQuery, and changes the default release to version 1.8.3. It also replaces the deprecated JQuery Tooltip plugin with the new UI::Tooltip. Upgraders should visit bin/configure and make the following changes to the Jquery configuration:
  • Update {JQueryPlugin}{JQueryVersion} to version 1.8.3
  • Disable {JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{Tooltip}{Enabled} and
  • Enable {JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{'UI::Tooltip'}{Enabled}

Note that although the jquery autocomplete plugin was replaced with ui::autocomplete back in Foswiki release 1.1.4, recent changes to jquery required some additional changes to some UI::Autocomplete examples. See Revision 17042 for details of this change.

Changes to login using URL parameters

All versions of foswiki previously allowed the username and password parameters to be provided on the URL. For ex: bin/view/Myweb/SomeTopic?username=JoeUser;password=SEcrET. Foswiki 1.1.9 has been changed to further restrict login:
  • username and password will only be accepted on POST type operations. a simple GET url with username and password will not accept the supplied credentials.
    • The previous behaviour can be restored by enabling $Foswiki::cfg{Session}{AcceptUserPwParamOnGET} in the configuration
  • username and password will only be accepted as login credentials on the view, viewauth and login scripts.
    • Other scripts can be authorized by configuring $Foswiki::cfg{Session}{AcceptUserPwParam}

Improved compatibility with Perl 5.18+

Foswiki 1.1.9 has been tested with perl 5.18+. Perl 5.18 has made a very significant change in how hash tables are randomized and stored. See 5.18 perldelta for more information. The change has had some minor impact on Foswiki, most of which were test failures, not core code issues, and were fixed in Item12616. It did however result in discovery of some core bugs that were also fixed.

Sites upgrading to perl 5.18 should carefully test foswiki and review the open tasks at Please report any new issues there.

The following differences have been noticed when running under Perl 5.18, and have not been corrected:
  • The order of search results order when the requested sort has duplicates is unpredictable. Ex: When sorting by "modified", the order of multiple topics modified at the exact same time will be unpredictable. (Task Item12618)
  • The order of groups presented by %USERINFO and %GROUPINFO macros is unpredictable. As a result, the order of groups listed by the WikiGroups topic change on each page view. (Task Item12635)
  • The order of data in a perl formatted %QUERY result is unpredictable. (No plan to fix)

Any data internally stored by Foswiki or extensions using a perl hash array will be presented in unpredictable order.

Important changes in Foswiki 1.1.8

Release 1.1.8 fixes a Critical Security Vulnerability. All previous releases of Foswiki are vulnerable to a security issue in Locale::Maketext. It is described further in SecurityAlert-CVE-2013-1666. It is expected that this will be the last release in the Foswiki 1.1 series. The next major release will be a feature release: Foswiki 2.0

Release 1.1.8 also includes a configuration checker that will report an error if a vulnerable version of Locale::Maketext is installed.

See ReleaseNotes01x01

Important changes in Foswiki 1.1.7

Release 1.1.7 fixes a Critical Security Vulnerability. All previous releases of Foswiki are vulnerable to a security issue in Locale::Maketext. It is described further in SecurityAlert-CVE-2012-6329. A 2nd vulnerability in the Foswiki %MAKETEXT% macro was also discovered, and is described further in SecurityAlert-CVE-2012-6330 . It is expected that this will be the last release in the Foswiki 1.1 series. The next major release will be a feature release: Foswiki 2.0

Release 1.1.7 also includes a security fix for configure that reduces exposure of important passwords in confirmation and log messages.

See ReleaseNotes01x01

Module version strings and new module dependency in 1.1.6 and 1.1.7

The Foswiki and default extension version strings have been changed from a developer oriented string Foswiki-1.1.5, Tue, 10 Apr 2012, build 14595, to a simple perl version string - "v1.1.6". The "RELEASE" string will continue to be more descriptive and can be displayed with a new macro %WIKIRELEASE%.

This adds a new dependency on version 0.77 - the Perl module version class.
  • Sites using Perl 5.10.1 or newer have the correct version of version.
  • Sites on older versions of perl should install the latest version using CPAN or their system's package manager.

ALERT! Before upgrading to Foswiki 1.1.6 or 1.1.7, verify that the installed version of CPAN:version is at least version 0.77. If not, upgrade CPAN:version before attempting to upgrade Foswiki! For example:
 perl -Mversion -e 'print "$version::VERSION\n"'

Note: Extensions may not have been upgraded to use the new 'dotted-decimal' version string format for dependency checking. If an extension includes a dependency on an SVN-style revision, Foswiki 1.1.6 assumes that the dependency is satisfied by a 'dotted-decimal' version.

Wysiwyg / TinyMCE Editor changes

Release 1.1.6 changed the editor to treat all links as real HTML links in TMCE. This had an annoying side effect: when a user changes the link text displayed in-line, the editor only updated the link text, and the target page was not changed. This even including auto-linked WikiWords. The editor will now save the original WikiWord. During the save, if the new link text is still a WikiWord, and the link target still points to the original WikiWord, it will also be updated to match the new WikiWord..
  • Ex. if a InlineWikiWord is changed to ADifferentWikiWord, the link will now point to ADifferentWikiWord, which is probably what the user intended.
Note: This change required a setting change to the TinyMCEPlugin Init setting found in TinyMCEPlugin. If the TINYMCEPLUGIN_INIT settings have been customized, this change will need to be merged into your customized settings or the new behavior will be ignored.

Force Default Host URL toggle

Sites that use HTTP Proxies, load balancers and SSL Accelerators often modify the users original input URL. When this happens, Foswiki can generate incorrect links on the pages. A new expert configuration parameter {ForceDefaultUrlHost} can be enabled to force Foswiki to override the user entered URL with the {DefaultUrlHost} setting.

New configuration parameter {Register}{ExpireAfter}

Foswiki 1.1.6 added code to clean up expired pending registrations, and tied the request lifetime to the {Sessions}{ExpireAfter} timer. This is much too short, especially when registration requests are redirected to a 3rd party approver, as described in FAQ 12 and Managing Users documentation.

Item12329 breaks this out to a separate timer for registration requests. Default is 21600 seconds (6 hours). If this setting is not in the configuration, the code will fall back to the {Sessions}{ExpireAfter} timer, and if that is not configured, the default is 36000 (10 hours). Extend this setting to a longer value to give the approver ample time to process the request.

When upgrading, a new setting is needed for PatternSkin

If you are upgrading an existing Foswiki system, verify the following:

The new System.DefaultPreferences topic has this setting, but if you have customized you DefaultPreferences, then this setting may need to be added.

The save cycle of configure is necessary to register the new JQuery pattern theme in the configuration. (If configure reports no changes, make a minor change and save again, and configure will merge in the changed settings). Or edit the LocalSite.cfg file by hand and add

$Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Themes}{PatternSkinTheme}{Url} =
$Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Themes}{PatternSkinTheme}{Enabled} = 1;

Font changes

A change made in 1.1.6 changed the default size and family of the body font. This change resulted in unexpected word wrap in tables that had column widths set to avoid wrapping. Foswiki 1.1.7 reverts the font setting back to that of Foswiki 1.1.5. Changes to the skin that impact layout should not have been made in a patch release.

Minor change to Main.WebHome

The Main topic was changed to display the %WIKIRELEASE% macro instead of the %WIKIVERSION%. WIKIRELEASE is a more friendly user readable version string.

Important changes in Foswiki 1.1.6

Release 1.1.6 is a security focused and bug fix release. There are a number of fixes and small enhancements designed to improve the security of Foswiki.

The old format used a trailing questionmark to create a topic. Missing topics are now rendered with red text, and underlined with a dotted line. The entire missing-topic name is a link to create the new topic, instead of just the question mark. If you have applied a custom new topic setting in your SitePreferences, you shouldn't see any changes. Remove the override from SitePreferences to get the new behavior.

JQuery version updates

  • The default version of JQuery has been bumped to JQuery 1.8.2
  • All versions of jquery older than 1.7.1 have been removed.

Be sure to run configure and verify that the JQuery version is set to one still available, and preferably the default 1.8.2.

Registration handling

  • The check for duplicate email regisrations is now applied to pending registrations.
  • Code has been added to remove stale registration approval requests.

Wysiwyg / TinyMCE Editor changes

A number of changes have been made to make editing more "WYSIWYG" like:
  • All links are now represented as real HTML links in TMCE. Editing the link text displayed in-line only updates the link text, including auto-linked WikiWords. Click the link icon to update the actual link target.
    • Ex. if a InlineWikiWord is changed to ADifferentWikiWord, the link will become [[InlineWikiWord][ADifferentWikiWord]]
  • Verbatim blocks that are hidden will now display and can be edited.
  • Escaped WikiWords will no longer display as links when edited.
  • Major issues with loss of white-space and line breaks while editing have been corrected.
  • It is now possible to position the cursor above/below blocks that start or end a topic.
  • HTML entities added to topics when Ctrl-i or Ctrl-b are used for Italics / Bold are now removed on save.
  • Multi-line TML tables can now be edited.
  • NOAUTOLINK and <noautolink> blocks are now handled correctly.
  • JQuery Chili highlighter classes are now all available from the context menu of a verbatim block.
  • New tables inserted with wysiwyg now show the expected borders.
  • TinyMCE has been updated to release 3.4.9

Insecure dependency errors when using LOCALEs

Setting a Locale in the configuration causes internal errors because of perl's mechanisms used to protect applications from potentially untrusted input. The systems Locale strings are considered "Tainted" and Foswiki fails with taint errors. At this point we don't have a good solution. Significant work is being done for future releases to resolve this issue.

In the meantime, if you require a custom Locale, and are experiencing errors like Insecure dependancy in x while running with -T switch our only solution presently is to disable Taint checking by removing the "-T" switch from the first line of each script in the bin directory.

A serious performance problem when renaming topics has been resolved

The resolution results in a change to what is renamed. Prior to this resolution, an extra scan of the entire web was performed. The new behavior is that "Incoming" links (Links pointing to the topic being renamed) will be listed and updated when their checkbox is checked. However "Outgoing" links (links internal to the renamed topic, pointing to other topics in the original web) will not be updated.

Performance problems when logs are "Rotated" at end of month.

The plainfile logger was using too much resources when rotating the logs at end of month. This has been improved somewhat, however there still can be issues for very busy sites. To help resolve this, the settings for the "Compatibility Logger" have been restored to the configuration. The compatibility logger writes to "date-stamped" filenames instead of doing an end-of-month rotation.

As an alternative, there is a new Foswiki:Extensions.LogDispatchContrib for more advanced logging. This extension will be the default logger in Foswiki 1.2.

JQuery Chili highlighter is enabled by default.

This was temporarily disabled because Firefox and Safari had errors which will corrupt the highlighted text. Recent browser releases have resolved this issue, and Chili is again enabled by default. It may still be necessary to disable Chili if your user community still is using the buggy browsers.

configure now backs up the configuration

configure now will save the previous configuration to a file named LocalSite.cfg.[n] where [n] is increased by 1 prior to each save. By default, 10 prior revisions are kept.

Markup within input fields are no longer rendered

Item11480 now prevents the rendering of Topic Markup (TML) within input fields. Previously if an input field was "pre-filled" with markup for ex: some *marked* text, it would be renderd as some <strong>marked<strong> text. Foswiki will no longer render the contents of input fields.

This exposes a potential issue. If input field initial content is manually protected using the <literal> to prevent the rendering, the resulting html will be corrupted. Foswiki allows for <nop>, however any other unencoded < and > is not legal within <input> tag and must be removed.

   <input ... text=' WikiWord *bold* text'>   previously was rendered,  on 1.1.6 will be shown exactly as written.
   <input ... text='<nop>WikiWord' >     Is acceptable,  but the <nop> is unnecessary.
   <input ... text='<literal>some *bold* text</literal' >   The <literal> tags MUST be removed

Sandbox System topic updated with improved validation of new topic name

Foswiki upgrade packages and manual upgrade procedures typically do not upgrade any WebHome topics. The 1.1.6 upgrade package will include a new WebHome for the Sandbox web. If you upgrade manually, you should copy the data/Sandbox/WebHome.txt file from the full Foswiki distribution onto your system. If you have a customized Sandbox WebHome topic, and use the upgrade package, you may need to revert back to your customized topic or re-customize the new version.

Important changes in Foswiki 1.1.5

Release 1.1.5 is a security focused release. There are a number of fixes and small enhancements designed to improve the security of Foswiki.

API Change

The Foswiki API version is incremented to version 2.2 in Foswiki 1.1.5 for the following changes:
  • Foswiki::Func::getScriptUrlPath() has been removed from deprecation, and enhanced with a new calling convention to be consistent with Foswiki::Func::getScriptUrl().

Improvements to User Registration

  • The complete fix for CVE-2012-1004 has been integrated, including pluggable field validations in the User Mapper. If your installation uses a custom user mapper, there is a new function in the base user mapper lib/Foswiki/ that performs registration field validations. Override this method in your custom user mapper to add site specific validations.
  • The user registration and group management API calls now all return error messages describing any failures. All errors are processed through MAKETEXT so that they are translated to the selected language.
  • New options can reject duplicate registrations using the same email, and can either white-list or black-list email domains from registering.

Improvements to .htpasswd handling

  • The HtPasswdUser password manager has been changed to globally cache the password file if enabled. In an installation running fcgi or mod_perl, this will reduce the overhead of reading the file for each transaction.
  • The .htpasswd lock file is now configurable. There was a small risk that when multiple foswiki installations shared a common .htpasswd file, simultaneous updates would not be prevented, resulting in file corruption.
  • The default for {Htpasswd}{Encoding} has been changed to apache-md5. We strongly recommend that installations migrate away from crypt encoding - the prior default. crypt truncates passwords at 8 characters.
  • The {Htpasswd}{AutoDetect} option is enabled by default. This ensures that an existing .htpasswd file cannot be accidentally corrupted due to the change in default encoding.
  • A new password encoding hash has been added. bcrypt encoding. (Ref. )

Better session support for mixed http and https environments

If your foswiki is set up to accept both https and http requests, your users may find themselves logged out much faster than desired.

1.1.5 fixes this by using separate authentication session cookies when using http and https, but this may mean your users may need to login again. This applies to both TemplateLogin and ApacheLogin.

Changes to the configure password handling

The encoding of the bin/configure and "sudo" admin user has been changed. Sites should change their configure password as soon as possible. Note that this change is not backwards compatible. Once the password has been changed, if fallback to 1.1.4 is required, the password will have to be reset by removing the password from lib/LocalSite.cfg.

Changes to Statistics processing

The WebStatistics topics are no longer shipped with Foswiki. Two new topics have been included; DefaultWebStatistics and WebStatisticsTemplate. The statistics script now has the optional capability of creating the missing WebStatistics topics.
  • The Foswiki configuration has a new parameter: {Stats}{AutoCreateTopic} (Default is disabled)
  • The statistics script has a new parameter: -autocreate 1 or autocreate=1 (Default is 0 or disabled)
  • The statistics script must now only be run using POST. HTML GET should never result in an update.

The details of this change are in SiteTools, including a tool to help with creating the missing WebStatistics topics.

Changes to PlainFile logger to improve log rotation

In previous versions of foswiki, the default PlainFile logger failed to rotate the logs if any log records were corrupted. This is more likely in the error log file, but can be caused by any log record that is written containing embedded newlines. If a log record is read without the expected | Timestamp | as the first column, rotation stops.

This behavior has been corrected, however sites where rotation was failing may have extremely large log files. When foswiki performs the rotation at the beginning of the next month, rotation can take an extended time, resulting in extended response time.

Rotation is performed when the timestamp of the log file (events.log, error.log, debug.log) is in a month prior to the current month. In order for rotation to proceed:
  • The directory containing the log files must be writable.
  • Archive files named [logfile].YYYYMM must not exist for any records in the current [logfile].log file.
    • For example, if events.log contains an event dated 2012-01-15:, then the archive file events.201201 must not exist.

In order to force rotation and avoid extended web server response time:
  • Quiesce the web server to prevent logging activity
  • Upgrade to 1.1.5, which will install the updated lib/Foswiki/Logger/
  • Reset the timestamps to the previous month on the logfile requiring rotation
    • touch -t 201202280101 events.log will set the timestamp to February 28th on a linux/unix system.
    • Windows users will need to install a 3rd party tool to change timestamps, or wait for the next month
  • Change to the bin directory and run the view script from the shell as the web user.
    • sudo -u www ./view (Actual user will vary depending on the distribution)

The plainfile logger will now report additional information on the rotation process, including displaying bad records to STDERR. Edit lib/Foswiki/Logger/ and change the line use constant TRACE => 0; to use constant TRACE => 1; to enable more detailed debug messages.

Important changes in Foswiki 1.1.4

1.1.3 may have changed some MetaData to contain fully-qualified (with web name prefix) values

In Foswiki 1.1.4 this problem has been fixed by Item10874, however, users upgrading from 1.1.3 may wish to review the following information to determine if they need to take action on their existing SEARCHes or DataForm topics.
IDEA! Please note, you may be unaffected by if:


Any topics which have had a DataForm added or changed using the "Add/change form" button on the edit screen while running Foswiki 1.1.3 will now have "fully-qualified" Web.Topic names in the MetaData even if the WEBFORMS preference variable omitted web prefixes from DataForm topic names. In other words, if you were using a WEBFORMS preference which looked like this:
   * Set WEBFORMS = MyForm

In Foswiki 1.1.3, the "Add/change form" button on the edit screen actually treats it like this:
   * Set WEBFORMS = TheWeb/TheSubWeb.MyForm

Having selected "MyForm", the value is actually stored as TheWeb/SomeSubWeb.MyForm. This prevents QuerySearch type SEARCHes for an exact match on the topic-only value of from working correctly, for example:
%SEARCH{"'MyForm'" type="query" ...}%

... will not match these topics. Instead, a search on both possible values can be used:
%SEARCH{"'MyForm' OR'TheWeb/SomeSubWeb.MyForm'" type="query" ...}%

Or a regex query:
%SEARCH{"'\bMyForm$'" type="query" ...}%

Alternatively, the erroneous values can be repaired by searching for and fixing them using one of the solutions detailed in

Email enhancements

Significant enhancements were made to the Foswiki email implementation. These changes increase our compatibility with email services like Google's gmail, add enterprise features like S/MIME signed mail, and add a test facility to help the administrator better diagnose email problems before testing registration.

  • Item10521: Implement SSL support, which adds direct support for gmail.
  • Item10522: Implement S/MIME support for signed email using either sendmail or the Net::SMTP methods.
  • Item10523: Add configure parameter to select GMT or Servertime in generated email messages
  • Item10919: Implement an Email test function in configure.

These changes are backwards compatible with LocalSite.cfg however it is recommended to visit the Email tab in configure, correct any warnings, and save the configuration parameters guessed when the configuration is migrated.

Note that there are some subtle changes to the Email implementation. Prior to these changes, Foswiki guessed the email send method based upon the setting of the mail server name, which can be configured in LocalSite.cfg, as well as a deprecated preference setting SMTPMAILHOST. Once the configuration is updated for 1.1.4, the Email send method is an explicit setting in LocalSite.cfg. If the email send method is set to one of the Net::SMTP choices but the MAILHOST parameter is not set, Foswiki will still fall back to the MailProgram (like sendmail). However if the email method is set to use the MailProgram explicitly, it will ignore any hostname set in MAILHOST or SMTPMAILHOST.

Email linking improvements in Foswiki topic rendering.

The following tasks made significant changes to rendering of email addresses in Foswiki topics:
  • Item10905: Unable to include spaces in the query string of mailto links
  • Item10660: Some email address autolinking doesn't work
  • Item11059: Email address followed by a dot generates email link with dot included

An old legacy link format deprecated in 2005 was interfering with the ability to pass complex query params to explicit http: and mailto: links. This issue is fixed, but there is a loss of some backwards compatbility. Before this fix, this link: [[ email]] woud generate a message with the subject = "some" and link text of "email". After the fix, the link text will be the entire email address and the subject will be "some email". If the original link text is required, it should be entered as [[][email]]

Note that this fix also adds a new configuration parameter: $Foswiki::cfg{AntiSpam}{EntityEncode}. Entity encoding of email addresses as an anti-spam technique was previously controlled by the parameter $Foswiki::cfg{AntiSpam}{HideUserDetails}. Both parameters default to enabled. If you disabled the $Foswiki::cfg{AntiSpam}{HideUserDetails} option and desire the same behavior, you should also disable. $Foswiki::cfg{AntiSpam}{EntityEncode}. This fix corrects an issue where mailto links were double-encoded, breaking the ability to include more than one option in the query string.

Also the detection of email addresses in topics is significantly improved and is much closer to the Email address specification in RFC:5322 and the mailto URL specifications in RFC:3696.

Password Authentication enhancements Item9164 and Item10962

The PasswordManager Foswiki::Users::HtpasswdUser has been enhanced with an AutoDetect mode to detect the format of the stored password and to validate old passwords using the stored form instead of the encoding configured in {Htpasswd}{Encoding}. Enable this new feature by setting the configuration parameter {Htpasswd}{AutoDetect} to enabled.
  • With this change, it is now possible to migrate to an alternate password Encoding without invalidating existing user passwords.
  • The performance of has been improved by up to 30% with large .htpasswd files
  • A new encryption mode - apache-md5 has been added. This official Apache variation on MD5 encoding is compatible with the passwords generated by the htpasswd -m command.
  • The encoding previously labeled md5 has been renamed to htdigest-md5 and is compatible with the encoding generated by the Apache htdigest command. The config setting will be modified by a config checker the first time you run configure after upgrade. It is recommended to save your configuration.
    • Note that it is also now possible to modify the {AuthRealm} setting without invalidating existing passwords.
  • Cross-platform compatibility issues between Linux, Apple OSX and MS Windows have been resolved and .htpasswd files should be portable regardless of the selected encoding.
  • The Crypt::PasswdMD5 CPAN module is required for the apache-md5 encoding, as well as for better cross-platform compatibility.

ALERT! Note: It is strongly recommended that sites using the old default "crypt" encoding migrate to a stronger method. The crypt method truncates passwords at 8 characters and silently discards the rest. For the highest security, choose htdigest-md5 encoding with Apache htdigest authentication. If using Template authentication, if possible use a SSL client connection - HTTPS.

Changes to User Registration topics Item1539

The URL parameters passed in from User Registration were previously still prefixed with Twk. This has been changed to Fwk to be consistent with Foswiki naming conventions. Note however that backwards compatbility has been maintained and either prefix can still be used, so it is not required to update customized User Registration topics.

Changes to Foswiki Logging - Item10637, Item11157

A new Logging method has been added: Foswiki::Logger::PlainFile::Obfuscating. If this module is chosen as the Logger, IP addresses by default will be replace with a pseudo-address derived from a MD5 hash of the original address. This is provided for use in regulatory domains where systems are not permitted to track IP addresses of users.
  • An Expert parameter is provided to use a mask (x.x.x.x) instead of the hashed IP address where absolute anonymity is required.
  • Note that AUTHENTICATION FAILURE messages are never obfuscated. This permits tools like fail2ban to be used to block penetration attempts.

Major JQuery changes

  • Foswiki has been updated to include JQuery 1.7.1, and this is now the default version of JQuery. After installing Foswiki 1.1.4, be sure to visit bin/configure and verify that the JQuery Plugin is configured to use this version.
  • The JQuery Autocomplete plugin has been replaced by the incompatible JQueryUI Autocomplete widget. If your site has implemented forms using the old version of Autocomplete, they will not work until converted to the new API. See
  • The JQuery Textboxtlist plugin has been updated with an incompatible version. See the above referenced JQueryMigrationGuide for details.
  • The JQuery Chili syntax highlighting plugin is incompatible with Firefox 7 and Safari Rev. 6-17-2011.

Changes to Store

Foswiki has improved handling of files that are modified outside of Foswiki's control. Topic changes made by external programs may cause unexpected results. The following behaviour is expected:
  • If a topic is modified (file revision date of file is newer than the date of the .txt,v file):
    • The TOPICINFO metadata stored with the topic textfile is ignored.
    • Modified by is reported as UnknownUser
    • Modified timestamp is the file timestamp
    • Revision number is 1 greater than the last revision known to RCS.
    • Topic comment is pending, indicating there are changes not yet checked into RCS.
    • The next change to the topic under Foswiki control will record the external changes into RCS, and create a new revision for the changes saved in this iteration.
  • If a topic rcs .txt,v file is newer than the topic file
    • The TOPICINFO is trusted
    • This avoids unnecessary overhead by the RCS system.
  • If a topic is modified externally and checked into RCS outside of Foswiki control, it is very important to generate a valid TOPICINFO line or the data reported by Foswiki will be incorrect.

Note that Foswiki also now requires that the %META:TOPICINFO be the first line of the file.

Changes to SpreadSheetPlugin

Several SpreadSheetPlugin functions were found to provide inconsistent results when cells contained leading spaces. Leading/trailing spaces are part of cell formatting and should be uniformly stripped when extracting data from cells.
  • LEFTSTRING position of first character would vary.
  • LISTUNIQUE would fail to eliminate duplicate entries due to leading or trailing spaces.
Changes were made in the code that extracts cell data to uniformly remove leading and trailng spaces. This change may require changes to spreadsheet formula if they had been adjusted to accommodate these spaces. Unit tests have also been added to better detect inconsistencies and improve the quality of this plugin.

Also the SpreadSheetPlugin was synchronized with features added to the TWiki version of the plugin. This added the following functions:
  • SPLIT( separator, text ) -- split a string into a list.
  • HEXENCODE and HEXDECODE -- Encode and decode a string to/from printable hex.
  • XOR( list ) Logical XOR of integers in a list.
  • BITXOR( list ) -- Bitwise XOR of integers in a list.
  • BITXOR( string ) -- Bitwise NOT operation on the string.
  • LISTNONEMPTY( list ) -- Remove all empty elements from a list
  • WHILE( condition, do ) -- Repeat the "do" function while the "condition" remains true.
  • isodate formats -- ISO 8601 week support.
  • DOY -- Day of Year dates: DOYyyyy.ddd for example to specify the ddd day of yyyy

Changes to JSCalendarContrib.

The changes to JSCalendarContrib made post 1.1.3, and released in JSCalendarContrib version 1.4.x have been reverted. The changes attempted to make dates stored in the formfields format per the requested JSCalendarContrib format. However it was incompatible with alternative date formats that were not understood by the core Foswiki time code. JSCalendarContrib saves dates in whatever format is set in the configuration {JSCalendarContrib}{format}. If the format is changed, Foswiki makes no attempt to change the displayed format of existing dates. The format can be updated by re-selecting the date using the calendar display.

Important changes in Foswiki 1.1.3


The default search type used in the WebSearch page was not carried forward from 1.0. to 1.1. This option has been restored in 1.1.4, with some changes:

  • It only applies to the WebSearch and WebSearchAdvanced. On Foswiki 1.0 it also applied to the %SEARCH macro.
  • The (ignored) default in DefaultPreferences is keyword, but on 1.1, WebSearch defaulted to word
  • WebSearchAdvanced had a hardcoded default of word on both 1.0 and 1.1. This is changed to use the SEARCHDEFAULTTTYPE setting.
  • The historical mis-spelling (SEARCHDEFAULTTTYPE) is preserved.

Migration %SEARCH WebSearch WebSearchAdvanced
1.0 to <= 1.1.3 Default type is word, configuration setting no longer used. Type word, not configurable. No change
1.0 to 1.1.4 Default type is word, configuration setting no longer used. No Change Default type changes from word to configured %SEARCHDEFAULTTTYPE% (keyword)
1.1.x to 1.1.4 No Change Default changes from word to configured keyword (keyword Default type changes from word to configured %SEARCHDEFAULTTTYPE% (keyword)

Important Changes in Foswiki 1.1.2

Changes to %GROUPS% and %GROUPINFO% Macros

See On releases prior to Foswiki 1.1.3 it was possible that the GROUP related macros could expose User WikiNames that would be hidden from the currently autenticated user. This has been changed, and if the current user does not have VIEW authority for the user's topic, then the user will not be shown as a group member. See the new HiddenUsersAndGroups topic for more information.

JQueryPlugin update to jQuery 1.4.3

On releases prior to Foswiki 1.1.3, JQueryPlugin shipped with jQuery 1.3.2 enabled. It now uses 1.4.3, and some Foswiki javascript will no longer work correclty with 1.3.2 and earlier. As a result, upgraders will need to
  1. set {JQueryVersion} in configure under Extensions -> JQueryPlugin to 1.4.4
  2. Clear browser cache
  3. test non-default plugins and any custom jQuery javascript code for compatibility with jQuery 1.4.3.

Improved handling of legacy logging format

Foswiki 1.1 changed the logging format and the default location of the log files. See below for more information.

As of 1.1.3, if any of the 1.0 Debug, Warning or Log filenames are found, the "compatibility" logger will be used regardless of the Implementation setting.

Important changes in Foswiki 1.1.0

Foswiki 1.1 has many improvements that end users as well as administrators will appreciate. In addition Foswiki 1.1 comes with a lot of "under the hood" improvements to the core code, with the goal of making it easier to plug in work from other projects, such as jQuery, KinoSearch, Solr and others. Work has been made to improve the definition of internal APIs to allow other not-yet-written modules, such as store implementations, to plug in. Most of these modifications should be invisible to the end user and the admin, but are important to position Foswiki for the next generation of improvements. Here is a list of the most important enhancements in Foswiki 1.1.0

Adoption of the jQuery Javascript user interface framework

Since Foswiki 1.1, the industry-standard jQuery Javascript user interface framework has been more closely integrated; the existing JQueryPlugin is included into the core distribution. Reflecting the move to jQuery, the BehaviourContrib has been removed from the core distribution; it is still available for download from The default PatternSkin now depends on this jQuery framework.

Also added are the new ADDTOZONE and RENDERZONE macros that manage dependencies between Javascript modules, making use of this sophisticated toolset much easier. See Foswiki:Development.UpdatingExtensionsScriptZone on how to replace ADDTOHEAD usage.

New macros enabled by jQuery

  • BUTTON{"text" ...} -- renders a nice button
  • TABPANE{...}, ENDTABPANE, TAB{"text" ...}, ENDTAB -- tabpane widget
  • JQICON{"name" ...} -- render an image
  • JQICONPATH{"name"} -- render the urlpath to an image
  • JQPLUGINS{"plugins" ... } -- display a summary of avaliable plugins
  • JQREQUIRE{"plugin, plugin, ... "} -- enable a plugin on the current page
  • JQTHEME{"name" ...} -- switch jQuery UI theme
  • POPUPWINDOW{"topic" ...} -- opens a topic or url in a new window

See JQueryPlugin for details.

Powerful new QUERY macro

A number of new features have been added with the goal of improving support for wiki applications. These include the powerful new QUERY macro, which:
  • supports formatted access to formfields and other meta-data in topics using the same syntax as is used in IF and SEARCH statements,
  • gives access to all meta-data, including that added by extensions,
  • supports reporting values using JSON and other standards, simplifying the retrieval of meta-data for REST applications,
  • replaces the FORMFIELD macro for most applications.

Use of the "formfield" parameter to the META macro has been deprecated (it is still available, but use is discouraged and it will be removed at some point in the future).

Re-architecting of the SEARCH macro

To improve the speed, consistency and extendability of the most complex and important Macro, we've started to separate the generation of search results from the outputing of FormattedSearch. The most significant user facing improvements are speed and reliability changes - with many more unit tests written to ensure future compatibility.

FORMAT macro

The extraction of the FormattedSearch system has made it possible to provide a Macro that allows users to render a list of topics into any header, footer, format style, using the same formatting controls as used by SEARCH. This macro will be further enhanced in future Foswiki releases and will play an increaingly important role as it is extended to format other types of object lists.

WikiGroups have add & remove user interface

WikiGroups are now be edited using a much simpler HTML form.

For developers additional API's have been added to the Foswiki code to allow these Forms to also be used for non-Foswiki user and group backends.

With some configuration, Foswiki can also add users to groups on registration - either automatically, or allowing the users to select groups to join.

TinyMCEPlugin updates

TinyMCEPlugin has been updated to the latest 3.3 release from Moxiecode. Additionally, several improvements to the Foswiki integration have been made, such as:
  • Smarter attach dialogue
  • Background autosave feature has been enabled (saves to local browser storage at 3 minute intervals)
  • New context (right-click) menu:
    • Set syntax highlighting classes on verbatim blocks
    • table rows/columns may be duplicated, cells merged/split
  • Customisation via the TINYMCEPLUGIN_INIT preference has been improved. Read the upgrade advice if you are upgrading a Foswiki installation which uses a custom TINYMCEPLUGIN_INIT preference setting.

Testing configuration variables in %IF

Prior to 1.1, %IF could be used to test the value of any configuration variable (those defined in configure). This represented a security risk, so now only those variables listed in {AccessibleCFG} may be accessed this way. Note that {AccessibleCFG} also controls which variables are visible in %SEARCH{type="query" and the new QUERY macro.

"Copy topic" now copies attachments

The "Copy Topic" function in "More topic actions" now copies attachments as well as the topic text and form.

Tailoring of user registration made easier.

The topic UserRegistration has been enhanced so it now determines whether a custom user registration page exists in Main, and includes it if it does; otherwise it includes DefaultUserRegistration.

This means that your tailored version in Main web will not be overwritten by future upgrades.

You can create a custom version of the UserRegistration form by first copying the topic DefaultUserRegistration to UserRegistration in Main web. This will ensure that your changes will remain intact next time you upgrade.

A couple of common fields are hidden from normal view to make the registration page as simple as possible. You can unhide those fields on the page by removing EXCLUDED_ from the INCLUDE tags).

Easy tailoring of reset/change password and change email forms

The topics ResetPassword and ChangePassword now only show the change forms when Foswiki is managing the passwords (the configure setting {PasswordManager} set to a manager that handles setting of passwords).

If the {PasswordManager} does not support password changing, the ChangePassword and ResetPassword topics will show a simple message. This message is defined iby the preference CHANGEPASSWORDDISABLEDMESSAGE in DefaultPreferences. You can redefine this setting by copying it to SitePreferences and change it to include a link to the password management website of your organisation.

ChangeEmailAddress will now guide the user to define the email address in the user topic when the PasswordManager does not handle hidden email addresses, so you should not need to tailor this topic any longer.

TMPL:DEFs may now access previous (overridden) TMPL:DEF

SkinTemplates authors are often limited by the fact that %TMPL:DEF{"something"}% statements override whatever DEF may have previously existed in the SKIN path. Now, when overriding these DEFs, SkinTemplates authors may access the previous definition using the new %TMPL:PREV% template token.

New Logging architecture and location for log files

The Foswiki logging architecture has been changed to make processing of the "current" logs easier, and the logs have been moved from the data/ directory into working/logs. The configuration of the logging files have also been updated.

If Foswiki detects the presence of the old logging configuration, it will continue to use the old files. configure will issue warnings about the deprecated settings.

Foswiki 1.0.x Foswiki 1.1.x
Current & Prior Current Month Prior Months
foswiki-root/data/logYYYYMM foswiki-root/working/logs/events.log foswiki-root/working/logs/events.YYYYMM
foswiki-root/data/warnYYYYMM warnings written to error log n/a
foswiki-root/data/error.log foswiki-root/working/logs/error.log foswiki-root/working/logs/error.YYYYMM
foswiki-root/data/debug.txt foswiki-root/working/logs/debug.log foswiki-root/working/logs/debug.YYYYMM
foswiki-root/data/configurationlog.txt foswiki-root/working/logs/configure.log The configuratiog log does not roll

Migration considerations

Foswiki provides two Logger implementations selectable in configure. Foswiki::Logger::Plainfile implements the new file naming conventions and locations. Foswiki::Logger::Compatibility uses the old locations and settings. The Compatibility logger is used if the old file locations are detected in the configuration.

The primary use of the logs by Foswiki is for generation of Statistics. If changing to the new logger ( strongly recommended ) it is best to get a full statistics refresh prior to migration. Copy / rename the log files into their new location using the above table as a guide. Manually edit lib/LocalSite.cfg to remove the obsolete parameters, and then run configure to verify the new settings.

Logging Configuration

The 1.0 configuration settings should be manually removed from LocalSite.cfg, and configure then used to verify the new settings. If the 1.0 Warning filename is found, the "compatibility" logger will be used even if the PlainFile logger is selected.

  • As of Release 1.1.6, the Compatibility logger can be configured using the configure web interface. On extremely busy systems with very large log files, the Compaibility logger provides better performance at month end because it does not "rotate" the log files.
  • Some very old (pre-Foswiki) Extensions write directly to Log File configured in $Foswiki::cfg{LogFileName}. Foswiki will attempt to set a reasonable default value to maintain backwards compatibility. It is recommended to configure this filename if you run old pre-Foswiki extensions that write directly to the log.

Foswiki 1.0.x Defaults
$Foswiki::cfg{Log}{Implementation} = 'Foswiki::Logger::PlainFile';
$Foswiki::cfg{Log}{view} = 1;
$Foswiki::cfg{Log}{search} = 1;
$Foswiki::cfg{Log}{changes} = 1;
$Foswiki::cfg{Log}{rdiff} = 1;
$Foswiki::cfg{Log}{edit} = 1;
$Foswiki::cfg{Log}{save} = 1;
$Foswiki::cfg{Log}{upload} = 1;
$Foswiki::cfg{Log}{attach} = 1;
$Foswiki::cfg{Log}{rename} = 1;
$Foswiki::cfg{Log}{register} = 1;
$Foswiki::cfg{ConfigurationLogName} = 'foswiki-root/data/configurationlog.txt';
$Foswiki::cfg{DebugFileName} = 'foswiki-root/data/debug.txt';
$Foswiki::cfg{LogFileName} = 'foswiki-root/data/log%DATE%.txt';
$Foswiki::cfg{WarningFileName} = 'foswiki-root/data/warn%DATE%.txt';

Foswiki 1.1 Defaults
$Foswiki::cfg{Log}{Dir} = '$Foswiki::cfg{WorkingDir}/logs';
$Foswiki::cfg{Log}{Implementation} = 'Foswiki::Logger::PlainFile';
$Foswiki::cfg{Log}{Action} = {
          'search' => 1,
          'rest' => 1,
          'viewfile' => 1,
          'edit' => 1,
          'register' => 1,
          'save' => 1,
          'rename' => 1,
          'changes' => 1,
          'view' => 1,
          'rdiff' => 1,
          'upload' => 1,
          'attach' => 1
$Foswiki::cfg{DebugFileName} = '';
$Foswiki::cfg{LogFileName} = '';
$Foswiki::cfg{WarningFileName} = '';

Logging of access failures

Configure and TemplateLogin now log authentication failures to the event logs:

  • working/logs/configure.log
  • working/logs/events.log

It is possible to monitor these logs with a product like fail2ban which will set firewall filters due to excessive failures.

configure user interface revamp

Also included in 1.1 is a major improvement to the configure user interface, that clarifies and simplifies setting configuration options.

Configure file system checks

The configuration tool bin/configure now performs extensive checks of file system permissions. The pub and data directories are checked to verify that all data files match the requested default permissions of 755 for directories and 644 for data files. Files with excess permissions are reported as a warning. Files with insufficient permissions are noted as an error.

Because of prior inconsistencies in the files distributed with Foswiki and TWiki core and extensions, migration of older Foswiki or TWiki installs may see excessive errors reported by configure. You are recommended to correct the file system permissions.

Newer modern icon set for Document Graphics

To celebrate our new look, project and momentum, Foswiki now has a new ICON set to update the one shipped for the last 10 years. Using the FamFamFam icon set, augmented with icons from other leading graphic artists.

Table Plugin has been improved

HTML formatting has been replaced by pure CSS rendering. You can however enable inline markup HTML, in addition to the CSS markup, by setting the new parameter inlinemarkup to "on". This is useful if your users often copy/paste content of topics containing tables into HTML formatted emails or Office documents.

Sorting has been improved so the plugin can now better handle mix of formats and even empty cells.

!1 Notes for extension authors

API Enhancements

The following functions have been added to the Foswiki::Func API:
  • copyAttachment

New parameters can be found on:
  • saveTopic (ignorepermissions)

Deprecated handlers

The following handlers have been deprecated (i.e. they are still available, but should not be used in new code and will be removed in a future release, so if you have been used them, you need to modify your code).

The redirectCGIQueryHandler plugin handler has been deprecated (it is still available, but should not be used in new code and will be removed in a future release, so if you have been used it, you need to modify your code). This handler assumed a level of interaction with the CGI handling process that is dangerous if misused, and severely limits the flexibility and optimisations available to the core.

The beforeAttachmentSaveHandler and afterAttachmentSaveHandler plugin handlers have been deprecated in favour of the newly-added beforeUploadHandler and afterUploadHandler. The new handlers operate on streams, and are more efficient as well as more secure.

Deprecated handlers will continue to work as documented in 1.1 and for the immediate future, but will be removed in a future release. Extension authors are strongly recommended to implement the new handlers as soon as possible.

Deprecated Foswiki::Func functions

The readTopicText and saveTopicText functions have been deprecated. Use readTopic and saveTopic instead. Both readTopic and saveTopic have always been available in Foswiki (and its predecessor) and are a lot safer. Existing code can usually be modified to eliminate these deprecated functions without difficulty.

Note: readTopicText had implicit access control checks. The replacement method, readTopic does not, so calling code must call checkAccessPermission explicitly.

Refactored Foswiki::Store and new Foswiki::Meta functions

Access checking has been moved from Store up to the Meta and Func routines. This was done to improve perfomance of the Store backend and simplify implementation of different stores e.g. using databases.

Store was never part of the Foswiki or TWiki API. Extensions which violate this API and reference Store:: functions directly could potentially have access that was previously blocked by Foswiki and/or may require other changes to be compatible with Foswiki 1.1.

Extension authors should first try to use the Foswiki::Func API. This is the preferred API. Pay careful attention to whether or not each Func:: method verifies access control and use the Foswiki::Func::checkAccessPermission to verify access.

Foswiki::Meta should be used only if Foswiki::Func does not have a needed function. Note that Foswiki::Meta functions do not implicitly perform any access control checks. Callers of Foswiki::Meta= should first use the Foswiki::Meta::haveAccess function to verify access for the planned actions. This was done by design to reduce repetitive access control checks and improve performance.


The Foswiki core now checks values used for web, topic and attachment names for 'taintedness' when FOSWIKI_ASSERTS are enabled. Tainted values are those that have been taken from user input (for example, from topic content or from form fields) without being validated. Such unchecked values are a large potential security hole, and the authors of plugins that manipulate topics or attachments need to check their plugins with Foswiki ASSERTs enabled. If you find a taint error, you can use the functions in Foswiki::Sandbox to validate them. For example, to validate a web name and a topic name, you would write:

$validWebName = Foswiki::Sandbox::untaint(
    $webName, \&Foswiki::Sandbox::validateWebName);
$validTopicName = Foswiki::Sandbox::untaint(
    $topicName, \&Foswiki::Sandbox::validateWebName);

If $webName is not a legal web name, then $webName will end up being undefined. Similarly for the topic name.

Note that values are only checked for taintedness when FOSWIKI_ASSERTS are enabled, so unless you run your Foswiki in this mode, you will never see the errors. To enable asserts, simply add the line:


to your bin/LocalLib.cfg.

Foswiki Release 1.1.0 Details


Item134 VIEW_TEMPLATE not copied from template
Item144 Installer doesn't handle dependency loops very well
Item660 "Running from configure, disabling CPAN" message needs clarification/fix
Item686 Add FLASHNOTE to default templates
Item758 Raw view break Chinese characters in UTF-8
Item794 Information in ForceNewRevision is confusing
Item817 Malformed header anchors if header contains non A-Za-z0-9_ characters - advanced solution
Item935 Func::saveTopicText ignorepermissions is not working as advertised
Item986 Authen::SASL required by Net::SMTP for authentication
Item1075 SEARCH summary wrong when text contains /
Item1117 Preference within verbatim breaks PreferencesPlugin
Item1157 Base tag should be self closing in pattern skin header
Item1224 Underscores in topic name with WebTopicCreator are not possible
Item1228 Sort table with IP adresses in column does not work
Item1303 Parser uninited var in concat errormessages filling my disk
Item1378 Popup-Window for new links in Rich-Text-Editor is too small.
Item1383 Plugin Topic PREFERENCES still used in core plugins
Item1392 (IE only) Cursor jumps to beginning unintendedly in WYSIWYG-editor
Item1394 %PINK% is converted in the Rich Text Editor
Item1415 Change _default.WebPreferences to limit access to AdminGroup only
Item1417 Getting below a table in the Rich Text Editor is difficult / Disturbing cursor movements.
Item1448 Change of the handling of unique anchor names in TOC
Item1470 Be consistent and change "raw edit" to "edit wiki text"
Item1495 Can't delete an attachment if the physical file is gone for some reason
Item1513 FoswikiSiteSkin does not preview properly from the System.SkinBrowser
Item1529 "Wiki text" button broken before topic text loaded
Item1534 Typewriter text icon stays shaded
Item1548 Wysiwyg warns against data loss when you save from Wiki text mode
Item1591 "LINKTOOLTIPINFO = on" causes apache error message about uninitialized value in
Item1603 Subscribing to topics that are non-wikiwords can go horribly wrong
Item1642 Explicit links should be updated, even within noautolink blocks after move/rename
Item1666 Colour is lost when applied to bold text
Item1667 Edits to protected text insert unwanted sticky tags
Item1698 Distinguish browsers more accurately in the logs
Item1702 Be more informative about failed execution
Item1705 Ensure all uses of ListIterator have a 'use' or 'require'
Item1735 Copying a topic with attachments results in broken attachment links
Item1770 Protect other plugins' xml-like markup, including the tags
Item1773 SEARCH separator between last result and the footer is troublesome.
Item1814 ATTACHEDFILELINKFORMAT expands $name counter-intuitively
Item1846 System.Plugins has duplicated content, and is mostly bollocks anyway
Item1855 Internal Error on any operation when Foswiki::Logger implementation is set to none
Item1865 username= and password= no longer work for REST handlers
Item1871 Cannot disable registered tag handlers in rest handler or persistent environment
Item1879 "Rename" does not care about access rights
Item1888 PreferencesPlugin obfuscates web automatically
Item1900 The REST cgi script documentation is out of date.
Item1902 Wrong dependencies in PatternSkin
Item1903 Unprocessed TML in {MailerContrib}{EmailFilterIn} help text
Item1904 pre blocks truncated in TMCE in Firefox
Item1905 Deprecated handlers in WysiwygPlugin
Item1920 Add 'template' attribute to System.CommandAndCGIScripts#edit
Item1942 Plugin handlers for failed plugins called at startup
Item1945 CSRF uses relative location for redirect which violates HTTP specs
Item1951 "Debug" topic diff should treat topic text as preformatted
Item1953 Login manager generates an internal server error if the credentials can't be verified
Item1972 PatternSkin Still relying on Twiki plugins yielding bad requests from configure?
Item1998 Spreadsheet Plugin $RIGHT() is broken
Item2031 System.CommandAndCGIScript save docco may be out of date
Item2032 Can set topicparent to non-wikiwords
Item2039 TablePlugin: Create CSS only HTML
Item2074 Sticky and Literal tags within custom XML Tags disables TMCE
Item2083 Improve foswiki_redirect_cache solution
Item2094 WebRss contains Foswiki copyright
Item2096 Select form fields drop down box is not working for entries containing commas
Item2125 TinyMCE attachment dialog confusing
Item2170 Document new registration data hash passed to registrationHandler
Item2191 Bulkregistration fails
Item2192 Cannot use a subweb as a template web to create a new web
Item2200 Inconsistencies in WysiwigPlugin Documentation and operation
Item2221 Language selection not saved to LocalSite
Item2234 Remove legacy inline javascript from the registration topic
Item2254 Fix to Item1798 introduces cursor problems for Moz browsers
Item2259 Anything inside HTML tag BIG gets discarded
Item2264 getScriptUrl treats zero as an empty string values
Item2274 Optimise query searches with a constant expression (such as "1")
Item2299 edit-save-rename restores an old version
Item2311 WysiwygPlugin not compatible with word-break character
Item2333 Configure reports a need to save things that have not changed
Item2340 METASEARCH - uses some very funky and untested bits of SEARCH, and the documentation is out of date
Item2356 QUERY and IF are a little un-intuitive for simple queries
Item2367 In a forced wiki link, if a url occurs within the "text" part, illegal html is generated
Item2393 Documentation of System.TemplateTopics don't mention the STARTSECTION{type="expandvariables"} feature
Item2429 Deprecate AllowInlineScript
Item2465 Documentation on Meta Data is incomplete
Item2473 Clarify that mailnotify should not be run as root
Item2491 Improve usability of registration page
Item2496 Handle exceptions thrown during initPlugin
Item2508 No way to escape macros in a query search
Item2558 Improve Skin Templates documentation
Item2601 Missing useless 'title' attribute in META:PREFERENCE takes foswiki down
Item2605 Unable to position cursor into an empty bullet list item
Item2612 Issues with beforeSaveAttachment plugin dispatch (trunk)
Item2662 We have bad breadcrumbs now because of the CategoryCategory topic used a parent
Item2663 Default groups on registration form
Item2882 More should not be an "oops" function
Item3288 Exclamation mark not parsed when form definition topic is read
Item3521 Configure does not present octal settings correctly
Item4672 Parent of topic is not shown correctly if topic name contains brackets
Item4688 Foswiki password, registration and login options should be correctly handled in the registration page, change password and reset password
Item5163 SpreadSheetPlugin causes table to misrender an empty row
Item5221 Wysiwyg tables, very difficult to get rid of paragraph html tags in table cell
Item5253 Cannot stop pages created with disallowed characters
Item5278 bin/configure install error messages going to Apache error log rather than browser
Item5425 Renaming does not take VIEW_TEMPLATE setting into account
Item5473 Initial value of {TemplatePath} should copy setting of {TemplateDir}
Item5608 ScriptUrlPaths is not documented
Item5665 Edit on topic where WYSIWYG is disabled returns wrong Help.
Item5841 Move topic changes non-wiki links
Item5941 nofinalnewline attribute in SEARCH not working
Item5990 WYSIWYG gives fatal error when saving UTF-8/Old editor works
Item6011 No notifications sent in a protected web
Item6068 WYSIWYG removes linebreaks from pre-tag
Item8122 Sorting does not work if headerrows > 1
Item8190 Spurious whitespace prevents rendering of TML in first line
Item8207 TinyMCEPlugin has wrong DEPENDENCIES
Item8235 JSCalendarContrib package contains unknown object method "expandMacros"
Item8270 Attribute cellspacing not supported
Item8274 Wysiwyg merges two consecutive lists
Item8298 Stand-alone HTML -> TML conversion broken
Item8395 TablePlugin does not recognize 01 Jan 1970 (epoch 0) as a date
Item8398 Possible race writing .changes
Item8413 Chrome TinyMCE copy/paste spreadsheet bug
Item8458 Search cookbook is wrong
Item8460 .changes inaccurate
Item8477 Strikeone should warn users if they have have js turned off
Item8503 CSRF validation token consumed by mandatory field warning
Item8568 PatternSkin can not create Topic without WikiWord
Item8573 Fix TwistyPlugin dependencies
Item8578 name ~ 'Web*' query is pointlessly inefficient
Item8596 Short URLs can cause configure to break
Item8608 Log file failure must never be a fatal error
Item8611 A COMMENT gets applied again when a save is invoked from an afterSaveHandler
Item8617 WebStatistics total topic history hangs
Item8623 Include JQueryPlugin in 1.1
Item8640 Multiple issues when installing Extensions with bin/configure
Item8660 Rewrite SearchHelp
Item8669 Move MAINWEB definition to Site Prefs so people can disable the compatibility plugin
Item8682 SEARCH summary is now more careful about removing '_' '=' and '*' characters - and will only do so if they are actually for the purpose of bold/italics.
Item8694 [[*formatting*]] in links is a little broken
Item8699 System.Contribs need a rewrite
Item8700 Sorting mixed data types gives unexpected results
Item8722 TablePlugin sorts dates alphabetically if some cells are empty
Item8723 Broken (?) Inclusion order of Skin Template Topics
Item8745 Cleaning up default user homepage
Item8765 "use base qw(Somepackage);" shall not be used
Item8767 Add viewfile to log-action possibilities
Item8768 Simplify search templates
Item8773 '$n$n' does not expand to two newlines
Item8792 pre/post install & uninstall routines not run when extension installed by bin/configure
Item8793 Indirectly setting corret parent for WikiUsers
Item8800 SEARCH date param seems to be broken
Item8802 Create meaningful settings for REGISTRATIONGROUPTYPE
Item8809 SEARCH newline $n does not work
Item8811 SEARCH search string translates .* to Index. Old cruft from Athens
Item8818 Deprecate horribly dangerous redirectCGIQueryHandler
Item8827 EditTemplates show up in the Create new topic list of TopicTemplates
Item8829 Integer index doesn't work for queries
Item8832 Developer Documentation is a list of unsorted topics
Item8834 Add Sort::Maker to CPAN libs
Item8835 Remove unused PatternSkinHeaderArt
Item8836 Convert Foswiki site skin to a PatternSkin theme
Item8837 Preserve CSS skin style as theme
Item8838 No "undefined" value in queries
Item8846 Warn about template errors that causes newlines after closing html tag
Item8847 Make sure that the 1.1 pattern skin works well on screens with a 1000 px width screen
Item8857 Normalise regex syntax
Item8873 Macros don't expand when used in topic preference settings
Item8875 Multiple issues with new installer
Item8884 Deprecate template oopschangelanguage
Item8905 Document DIFFRENDERSTYLE in DefaultPreferences
Item8913 Calendar widget can't parse epoch seconds
Item8924 Support export of arbitrary Foswiki preferences to Javascript
Item8925 Strikeone setting is hidden in User Logins
Item8930 Use JQuery to fetch init variable
Item8934 Func::saveAttachment does not default the save date
Item8936 Incorrectly closed script tag markup
Item8946 configure does not handle an empty ScriptUrlPath '' well
Item8960 REPEAT tmpl system was also assumed in changes.tmpl - and even used the SEARCH tmpls to do it - implement search tmpl feature to fix it.
Item8969 Document ! in Regular Expression Docs
Item8971 Working copy versions are pure trouble
Item8987 TOPICLIST does not work on webs with NOSEARCHALL set
Item9007 Cleanup of core templates as a result of HTML validation tests
Item9030 TwistyPlugin hides twisty content in print
Item9031 COSMETIC -- core files at least should have coherent structure
Item9041 TWikiCompatibilityPlugin should fix links to system topics renamed in Foswiki
Item9045 Should we really allow the web server to fill in a 200 Status?
Item9050 Debugging support: add TRACE mode for templates
Item9070 Single quotes in INCLUDE causes crash
Item9074 Configure checkers for directories and files have multiple issues
Item9079 ListIterator considers an element that == '' to not be an element and skips it.
Item9102 configure tells me: "Error: Check path to twiki/lib and check that LocalSite.cfg is present and readable"
Item9103 Fix MSWindows problems shown up by the unit tests
Item9114 Strikeone broken on IE
Item9130 'use bytes' causes a pregnant pause
Item9140 Sandbox::sysCommand template parsing
Item9141 URLPARAM encodes separator as well
Item9147 Generating multiple checked="checked" attributes rendering System.DataForms
Item9148 HTML2TML eats some br tags inside macros
Item9155 Fix foswiki integration since 3.3 upgrade
Item9156 MailerContribPlugin does not compile
Item9157 Default mail templates truncated
Item9161 Implement Development.SoftAsserts
Item9168 code to look for test does not work on windows
Item9170 WYSIWYG-Editor (Tiny MCE) kills German Umlauts in certain circumstances
Item9204 TinyMCE strips out 'type' arguments when pasting Foswiki macros from MS Word
Item9207 not including image size for some JPEG files
Item9209 Category topics in System web show SEARCH generated garbage
Item9215 errors
Item9237 Configure save results should appear on main configure dialog
Item9256 If ApacheHtpasswdUser is selected, tell the admin if there the Apache::Htpasswd module is missing..
Item9257 There are configuration settings that are only saved second time through configure
Item9261 MailerContrib installs plugin into wrong directory
Item9263 TinyMCE autosave breaks on IECollections' IE6
Item9265 Intro and OS checking is SNAFU
Item9269 Standard escapes are applied too early in FORMFIELD
Item9270 configure checks for perl version inconsistent with documentation
Item9271 Check of script path for non-executable scripts s/b in ScriptDir checker
Item9281 Topic names containing regex characters break parent section of more.tmpl
Item9282 configure Extension repository needs UI and information update
Item9287 Edit Settings page does not show topics correctly if they are not perfect wikiwords
Item9288 Rename topic does not show topics correctly if they are not perfect wikiwords
Item9291 Webmaster email missing should be a configuration error
Item9295 Configure does not log failed password attempts
Item9325 Finnish translation
Item9336 seems to have a very odd idea of what a valid htmlColor is
Item9348 Now that we have disabled TWikiCompatibilityPlugin by default, the installer gets silly warning in configure
Item9359 manage script web creation fails to set preferences
Item9372 The documentation, that tells where the last-sent email timestamp is saved, needs to be updated.
Item9383 VarTWISTY etc missing.
Item9386 Hide shipped skin template topics behind an VIEW_TEMPLATE to reduce user confusion (they basically look broken)
Item9398 div twisties controls forced to inline mode
Item9400 CALC doesn't handle lists in cells as documented
Item9427 WYSWIYG slow cursor movement on IEs
Item9446 Put-it-back action does not restore topic references
Item9461 TOC no longer works with an ampersand (trunk)
Item9462 viewfile can't handle attachments with umlaute
Item9466 Remove BehaviourContrib dependency
Item9483 Several problems with webheaderart
Item9484 Consistent logo
Item9502 Make rev parameter interpretation consistent
Item9507 META "moved" does not work with prefix and suffix params
Item9522 Configure items containing single quote cannot be restored with use default javascript
Item9528 Loading foswikilib kills jquery.foswiki lib
Item9553 SiteMap too heavy
Item9561 Anchor gets lost after logging in - again
Item9562 Update documentation to clarify Foswiki::Func::pushTopicContext() does not clear set variables
Item9570 Larger table text within TinyMCE
Item9577 Wysiwyg protected styles not reflected in editor
Item9579 WYSIWYG edit multiplies br tags in literal block
Item9582 Foswiki.spec sets LocalSitePreferences to hardcoded Main.Main.SitePreferences
Item9610 The short list of macros that are expanded in templates, e.g. URLPARAM, are lost when copying a topic
Item9624 When editing, hitting Enter leads to Change Form page
Item9626 Twisty linkclass should be around link, not around the link label
Item9627 Move Support/WhyYouAreAskedToConfirm to a distributed FAQ and update references
Item9646 bin/statistics requires admingroup to be added to AdminGroup
Item9657 rest uses some odd smelly regex for nothing
Item9659 Modifying image attach properties to create a link results in assert failure
Item9663 Statistics script generates incorrect link to generated stats
Item9664 Missing fields in NewuserTemplate results in corrupt META in user topic
Item9667 Slideshow error
Item9669 Add links to Users and Groups to the default USERWEB sidebar
Item9675 statistics script doesn't process all webs by default
Item9677 Func::saveAttachment have NOW and not 1 Jan 1970 as default date
Item9699 LocalSite.cfg is continuously appended
Item9710 GATEWAY_INTERFACE deprecated in mod_perl2. Should not be used to determine CLI vs. CGI
Item9712 Warning after setting {ScriptSuffix}
Item9713 tools/extension_installer should be marked executable
Item9716 Language change removes query param
Item9749 In the History page, "Render style" is not translated, despite all other elements of the page are translated, and there is not MAKETEXT for this
Item9756 Topic action buttons point to included topic instead of current topic
Item9768 Scripts default to the wrong user when run from command line
Item9779 More topic actions - view Revision does not work.


Item118 Would be nice if the password field auto-focus()'d when you save from /configure
Item572 Issues with afterAttachmentSaveHander API
Item705 configure install fails if server webroot not writable
Item883 Make the SEARCH zeroresults parameter a format string
Item963 Remove confusing duplication of sections Plugins and Extensions in configure
Item1034 Modify the SEARCH limit parameter to apply to the total number of matches (not per web)
Item1127 Search needs a way to return output from generic meta data.
Item1149 Validate META tags read from user-entered text
Item1205 Change the 'disable wysiwyg edit' setting to * Set NOWYSIWYG=1 ??
Item1211 Template for SlideShowPlugin should be designed
Item1246 Add support for bypassing session creation for crawlers
Item1328 Add finish handler
Item1331 Add Foswiki::Func::getAttachmentList
Item1339 Implementation of Foswiki 1.1 feature proposal ExtractAndCentralizeFormattingRefactor
Item1370 Implementation of feature proposal DelegateMoreProcessingToSearchAlgorithm
Item1382 Small speed optimisation of search code
Item1425 Foswiki.spec and DevelopingPlugins doc can be improved
Item1441 No way to open a handle on an attachment from Func
Item1482 Improve attach dialogue usability in wysiwyg editor
Item1523 Need a way to debug preferences
Item1541 Deploy ThinPrefs on trunk
Item1550 Add include="topic" parameter to TABLE
Item1631 Add (not replace all) icons with custom topic
Item1654 Feature Proposal: Improved Handling of Link options and params
Item1674 Protect other plugins' xml-like markup
Item1772 Use tabs for the configure UI
Item1789 Add {ToolsDir} and {ScriptDir}
Item1821 Creative reusage of country list in registration form
Item1856 Make HistoryPlugin a default plugin
Item1858 Make CompareRevisionsAddOn a default extension
Item1885 Refactor configuration options for ease of use
Item1917 Decouple store from Foswiki
Item1952 Implement autosave using the plugin shipped with TinyMCE
Item1975 Adding match operator =~ in queries
Item2008 We provide a logs/ directory, but by default the logs are stored in data/?
Item2050 Make it possible to set table rules for header or data rows
Item2112 Improve feedback by pseudo-install
Item2172 New user interface to maintain groups - add/remove user, and add user to a group on registration.
Item2216 Add AutoViewTemplatePlugin to default plugins per accepted feature proposal
Item2350 Result Sets to abstract search results for 1.1
Item2369 Add rowspan support to Wysiwyg editor
Item2378 GROUPINFO needs a $allowschange format operator
Item2394 System.SitePermissions improvement: implement EXPAND macro
Item2456 Make a FamFamFamContrib replacement for System.DocumentGraphics
Item2521 Support early flush of some HTTP responses
Item2545 Enhance TMPL:DEF to create previous version of template definition
Item2569 Add strikeone protection for reset password and change email on 1.1
Item2642 Allow GROUPs to be broken across multiple lines
Item2672 Make EDITPREFERENCES invisible when PreferencesPlugin is disabled
Item3030 TWiki::Func::saveAttachment saves a lot of garbage in META
Item3154 Configure extension installer should not leave zip and installer script behind in foswiki root
Item3536 Variable COVER not documented in Macros
Item3931 Implement search results pagination
Item4255 Can we have a more concise login message?
Item4423 SpreadSheetPlugin calculations do not execute within CommentPlugin templates
Item4673 Add checkboxes to configure (FindMoreExtensions) to allow multiple plugin installations at once
Item4795 Refactoring Store to enable non-file based topic stores, and to make multiple stores possible.
Item5384 Allow Delete of Duplicate Attachments
Item5420 Add configure checker for {TemplatePath}
Item8108 TinyMCEPlugin - Add new plugins
Item8316 Add a REST handler for mailnotify
Item8345 Would be nice if the save changes button only saved changes
Item8353 Support textareas for text input
Item8360 Support images for extensions
Item8405 Decouple prefs backend
Item8416 Add new preference variables to control toolbar icons, plugins
Item8476 Upgrade TinyMCE to 3.3
Item8552 Add alt parameter to ICON
Item8560 Make the session cookie realm configurable
Item8569 List installed extensions list before uninstalled extensions
Item8607 Implement variable signature format
Item8624 Support $percent
Item8627 Implement summary based on search terms
Item8635 Add a FORMAT type='string' that avoids doing topic specific list processing
Item8638 Add QUERY macro
Item8695 Support generic encodings
Item8696 Implement add-to-zone and render-zone
Item8701 Implement MakeUserRegistrationCustomizable
Item8704 Improvements for GROUPINFO
Item8746 Clean up WebPreferences
Item8749 Add beforeUploadHandler and afterUploadHandler, and deprecate beforeAttachementSaveHandler and afterAttachmentSaveHandler
Item8761 Recode the search cgi to show view/System.WebSearch
Item8789 Add default CSS properties for images
Item8817 Support $comma in format tokens
Item8839 Implement Integrate WebSearch, WebSearchAdvanced, Alphabetical search and Search Help
Item8842 Refresh default colors
Item8860 Add inlinemarkup setting to TablePlugin so we can still be able to paste topic into emails incl inline HTML table formatting
Item9003 Add HTML standards compliance unit tests
Item9033 Move CommentPluginExamples to Sandbox web
Item9051 Compress foswiki library JS
Item9052 Remove newlines before and after TMPL:END and TMPL comments
Item9062 Disable TWiki Compatibility Plugin by default
Item9076 Fix jquery twisties in pattern skin
Item9084 Add configuration checker for invalid / stale Plugin modules
Item9100 Run with warnings and taint..
Item9115 Add .flv to mime.types
Item9123 Advise admin to choose RcsLite and PurePerl search on MSWindows
Item9199 Don't offer colours that have no TML representation
Item9210 Replace TINYMCEPLUGIN_INIT preference variable with topic section
Item9234 Upgrade TinyMCEPlugin to 3.3.8
Item9236 Enable contextmenu MCE plugin, allows table row/col copy & paste
Item9303 HTML2TML removes JQuery chili classes
Item9384 Add UI for adding and removing member of groups on the Group topics.
Item9476 Compress CSS files
Item9508 Requirement for password confirmation in registration is a PITA
Item9514 Replace foswikiPopUp CSS with JQuery POPUPWINDOW
Item9587 DataDir Checker should verify that WebPreferences topic exists
Item9598 Add ignorepermissions option to suppress acl checks in Func::saveTopic
Item9644 Pass the Foswiki RELEASE & VERSION strings on to Extensions repository in configure when using install & update

Foswiki Patch Release 1.1.1 Details


Item9569 Non-trivial macros are rendered within verbatim blocks of included topics
Item9773 Extension backup directories should be deleted after successful tar/zip archive
Item9788 pub-htaccess.txt should mention symlinks
Item9799 can't read null value from session_variable
Item9805 Extension installer fails to install files into web with missing WebPreferences
Item9807 bin/configure should also auto-fix the shbang line of /tools/ scripts
Item9809 ACLs broken in Foswiki 1.1.0 when passed a Group
Item9810 WikiGroups interface does not allow to add existing Groups as members of a Group (nested Groups) and behaves inconsistently when adding them manually using "More actions" and "Edit settings for this topic"
Item9811 Adding a new group with just the current user adds the user twice
Item9815 Random IDs make twisties forgetful
Item9819 Extensions with Topic names or directories with non-alphanumeric characters fail to install
Item9820 DefaultUserRegistration broken If REGISTRATIONGROUPTYPE is 'multiple' or 'one'
Item9825 DEPRECATE Foswiki::Func::searchInWebContent, and add Foswiki::Func::query
Item9826 add =~ to HoistRE so its not slower than using type='regex' - this limits its use to the documented System.RegularExpression
Item9827 Foswiki::Meta interface change breaks plugins
Item9828 ImageGalleryPlugin not working on Foswiki 1.1.0 because of bug in JQueryPlugin
Item9831 WikiGroups GUI broken if PasswordManager is none
Item9837 TemplateLogin fails with PasswordManager set to none
Item9838 WikiGroups runs into "premature end" error if you have many groups
Item9841 Plugin installation fails due to broken
Item9842 % NOP % is not expanded when placed in a TOPICS META
Item9844 Merge feature no longer working
Item9848 New Groups UI only allows users registered
Item9850 Change expand option to Options hash { EXPAND => }
Item9851 Users prefixed with Main. cannot be removed with UI
Item9857 CommentPlugin templates changes have caused trouble for ActionTrackerPlugin and plain use of tableprepend
Item9860 There are still duplicate user names in the WikiGroups
Item9861 CompareRevisionsAddOn needs documented dependency of HTML::Tree
Item9862 GroupTemplate lacks a trailing newline
Item9863 Upgrading group topics adds the submitter to group
Item9865 Remove Main or USERSWEB prefix when upgrading group topics
Item9867 Setting a variable from a regex search is broken in 1.1.0
Item9868 Sort links on table headings are adding the command suffix on
Item9869 Max URL shortening broken by ScriptSuffix
Item9870 TinyMCE JS error in Internet Explorers
Item9886 Incorrect method call breaks configure on IIS
Item9890 Attachments corrupted on Windows


Item8411 Add registration approval described at Support.Question121 to core

Foswiki Patch Release 1.1.2 Details


Item1391 <div> disappears in Rich-Text-Editor
Item9901 The index.html points to old release notes
Item9904 Twisty is not working in IE8 both compatibility and non-compatibility
Item9908 tml.js not IE compatible
Item9911 SEARCH format is parsed through formatTime causing all sorts of problems
Item9913 SEARCH fails to expand several tokens like topic(number, ...)
Item9914 METASEARCH fails to expand topic(number, ..) and probably other
Item9936 Cache feature lacks files in 1.1
Item9937 People that have manually copied Foswiki.spec to LocalSite.cfg (not recommended) have problems with new settings added.
Item9941 Cache feature uses a 401 redirect which is not compatible with the suggested redirect to UserRegistration
Item9944 configure fails to upgrade a plugin if cache is enabled
Item9945 Changes to Extensions installer
Item9948 New Plugin API method Foswiki::Meta::registerMETA not working correctly
Item9952 Bold & italics buttons aren't working with WysiwygPlugin
Item9953 TinyMCE JS error transitioning to WikiText from fullscreen
Item9956 Wysiwyg editor breaks the sample color in WebPreferences
Item9960 Spurious JS errors
Item9963 Overzealous use of $percent in plugins makes them incompatible with Foswiki 1.0.x
Item9970 Cannot save the value 0 in a formfield
Item9971 Query searches see the constant '' as the value zero making it impossible to test for empty value
Item9974 setlib.cfg loaded twice but LocalLib.cfg only once
Item9975 Plugin module checker finds all duplicates, not just TWiki/Foswiki
Item9980 Bug found in manage interface
Item9981 Fix missing and redundant files


Foswiki Patch Release 1.1.3 Details


Item92 Need to give the admin a web UI to change user's hidden email address
Item770 there is no obvious way for an admin to see what webs exist when they are on ManagingWebs topic
Item1412 Documentation needs to mention ModPerlEngineContrib
Item1562 redirect failure OK button goes to wrong place
Item2531 Net::SMTP fails silently if MIME::Base64 or Authen::SASL are missing
Item4544 Document special format used in .htpasswd for email addresses
Item5464 ALLOWTOPICRENAME should not apply to attachments
Item5864 TablePlugin documentation needs better coverage of spans from header row
Item6021 Custom CGI script parameter 'anyname' misleadingly mentioned only in the edit script parameter section. This parameter should be mentioned also in the those script sections (e.g. view etc) that support this parameter as well.
Item8302 Init Sorting in TablePlugin is broken if no header row.
Item8707 Check links to configure for correctness
Item8766 Login screen is not obvious to use for non-registered users
Item8991 Header-only table violates XHTML DTD
Item9314 configure UI looks odd when there are headings with no NON-EXPERT options
Item9437 maketext and wikiwebmaster
Item9462 viewfile can't handle attachments with umlaute
Item9607 Fix XHTML validation by not self-closing the paragraph tag
Item9658 New ICONs have some naming inconsistency
Item9739 upgrade to jquery-1.4.3
Item9774 Dependency issues with Foswiki 1.1
Item9796 Improve docs for AdminUser
Item9909 sendEmail failure messages should be specific about which email recipient failed
Item9930 leaves umask set to 077 which could impact other directories/files
Item9965 Replace calls to the configure script by the variable view in configure's CSS files
Item9966 Rename/Move of a parent topic with a non-WikiWord name breaks parent-child linkage
Item9973 TinyMCE attach dialogue lists no attachments for topics named with international characters
Item9988 delRev fails because the logger code change was missed
Item10010 RestHandler claimes in the log to be cached, even when its not.
Item10016 No rowspan in header rows possible
Item10022 Upgrading multiple extensions only performs first action
Item10024 ICON{mp3} shows a photo icon
Item10034 Greek Translation
Item10041 Configure's logger-advice is incomplete, when upgrading to 1.1
Item10048 WYSIWYG image tool inserts incorrect links with short URLs.
Item10050 CommentPlugin prompt adds newlines that prevent COMMENT inside TML tables
Item10058 Extension installer too aggressive in rewriting perl Shebang
Item10060 rewrites shebang for bash & sh scripts
Item10061 Cookies not properly forced to be secure if HTTPS connection
Item10064 redirectto in Rename broken since 1.1
Item10069 Web extension installer mis-locates Foswiki root if scripts in cgi-bin
Item10073 SLIDESHOWSTART example goofs the TOC of Macros
Item10075 Rename UI's 'select all' and 'clear all' buttons appear to do nothing
Item10076 If Foswiki is installed with a relocated cgi-bin, initial guesses for directories are wrong
Item10078 Separate, enhance, and test documentation of ACL preferences
Item10091 Sections of type="include" not clearly documented
Item10093 Is the CPAN module Text::Diff really required?
Item10097 SEARCH not checking ACLs of group topics
Item10098 update JQueryPlugin's form plugin form 2.25 to 2.49
Item10110 webtopiccreator errors out in jquery.noconflict mode
Item10116 Installer fails to try zip file if tgz missing. Also taint errors in Zip expansion
Item10122 Warning: file .htpasswd is not found. (when not using the Foswiki::Users::HtPasswdUser password manager.)
Item10124 Meta::removeFromStore('attachmentname') deltes the topic, totally and completely
Item10126 Intermittent rendering issues under FastCGI
Item10128 Foswiki::Meta::searchInText renamed/removed but docs not updated
Item10131 TopicUserMapping loses creation date when updating existing user
Item10137 Upgrade guide should mention clearing browser cache
Item10143 webtopiccreator.js only removes first space
Item10144 Mistake in example in documentation of AutoViewTemplatePlugin
Item10147 Foswiki::writeCompletePage deletes session ID cookie if page contains a form
Item10151 Interwiki links do not work when destination topic contains parentheses
Item10154 System web name hard-coded into WebHome text
Item10156 Delete template checks all checkboxes even if the warning text says it is not recommended to do so
Item10159 FAILEDPLUGINS generates invalid HTML
Item10161 4.00 of JQueryPlugin breaks a number of Twisties on 1.1.2
Item10164 NOAUTOLINK also disables the author name in the topic's REVINFO and in WebChanges
Item10166 Fixes to groups interface
Item10167 Rename does not update backlinking INCLUDEs
Item10168 Fix display of manual page in if perldoc isn't available
Item10174 Javascript _src files shipped without their shrinked versions
Item10176 Groups expansion leaks supposedly DENYed information
Item10177 Entering an email address in the login name field breaks login form
Item10189 sample bin/.htaccess should not have , in "Allow from"
Item10194 Extraneous p elements in rename templates
Item10195 Fix foswikiFormStep layout in css and templates
Item10199 Broken links in System.Skins
Item10200 Pattern button style breaks jquery foswikiButtonCancel
Item10205 HTML error in BeginnersStartHere
Item10207 Update pattern js to work with ajax
Item10209 rewriteshebang Failure with unexpected perl path input
Item10213 Make sudo login more logical
Item10226 Documentation of DefaultPreferences should mention SitePreferences
Item10243 Installation Guide is outdated on admin user
Item10248 TOC rendering wrong anchors for INCLUDEd content
Item10253 IfStatements page does not tell about checking the value of configure setting
Item10258 SEARCH order=created and order=formfield(date) doesn't work as expected
Item10259 Renaming web may incorrectly modify links within topic starting with old web name
Item10263 Fix html validation errors
Item10267 Use of uninitialized value in lc
Item10269 PurePerl search for in a subweb (using the / web separator) over-escapes and so give no results
Item10274 Collision between Date formatting and Wiki variables
Item10275 The 'More actions' button of FamFamFamContrib toolbar doesn't work
Item10283 The 'Create new topic' button of FamFamFamContrib toolbar always creates in 'Main' Web only
Item10284 If Topic is not WikiWord, Rename will not list children to update
Item10285 FamFamFamContrib toolbar isn't multi language capable
Item10290 fails parsing MANIFEST if non-topic files are installed into data
Item10298 Handle foswikiFocus in jquery plugin
Item10304 Updating TopicUserMappingContrib overwrites the AdminGroup
Item10307 First save of files without rcs ,v file fails to create a new revision
Item10308 Need to check if JQuery version is sane
Item10311 Restore topic fails to restore META preferences
Item10320 Documentation on DocumentGraphics customization mentions wrong topic
Item10324 zeroresults="0" doesn't print anything
Item10334 Provide documentation template for tag in EmptyPlugin
Item10336 can the configure Languages selection list be sorted?
Item10345 FORMFIELD renders 'format' text with 'default' value as $value
Item10346 MAKETEXT renders 0 if arg is empty
Item10352 Query optimizer regexes beyond simple plain text fail
Item10362 Logger documentation is insufficient
Item10380 INCLUDEd SEARCH pager creates links to topic, not to basetopic
Item10393 Update IF documentation
Item10395 Package installer appends Contrib to Contrib::...AddOn packages
Item10400 Auto-remove missing plugins from LocalSite.cfg
Item10401 compare script doesn't call logEvent
Item10402 compare script uses deleted oopsmissing template to report missing topic
Item10406 hr lines in SEARCH pager makes it hard to skin
Item10408 Temporary File Hazard in and
Item10412 Subtle problem with fragments in login form
Item10413 Fn_MAKETEXT tests fail with deprecated defined hash syntax
Item10415 Document overriding effect of {AuthScripts} in AccessControl
Item10418 registerMETA API changes didn't make it into 1.1.2
Item10422 Add ppsx mime type
Item10423 Add ppsx to icon type list
Item10425 Undefined subroutine Foswiki::ENCODE - crash if URLENCODE alias is used
Item10426 Stack-Trace when using https-includes
Item10444 Group documentation not up to date
Item10445 Option to restore topic is offered even if the current revision is 1
Item10446 When a topic is created, the Add form action adds an unexisting form (wrong web reference)
Item10447 BaseUserMapping::isGroup() throws "Use of uninitialized value"
Item10448 Regardless of which web I vist, "Documentation" button is highlighted
Item10456 defaults not initialized in persistent perl environments
Item10464 FAQ app issue creates topics
Item10466 FamFamFam skin adds login/logout links
Item10471 Search limit= not applied per web (breaks FoswikiSiteChanges)
Item10476 Combination of REVINFO format tokens results to broken result
Item10478 When editing a form only, Save and Continue should not show the topic text
Item10481 REVINFO params are not processed as documentation promises
Item10485 The 8 char password trunc behavior of the crypt encoding should be stated on the configure info texts
Item10486 WEBLIST macro includes curent web when webs=webtemplate requested
Item10491 Search corrupted if substring matches larger string ending in .txt
Item10494 htpasswd emails lost if changing to htdigest auth
Item10495 Fix compare unit tests; default Foswiki::UI topic/web missing response status should be 404, not 403.
Item10497 Store::SearchAlgorithms checker fails to find Native
Item10501 Creating a group without members creates an error page that leads nowhere
Item10513 Configure dumping out garbage file list during install
Item10518 Missing Submit button for renaming/deleting a web
Item10519 Rename web generates error with uninitialized string
Item10536 System.UserRegistration WikiName JS support for all skins
Item10545 Webnotify for Abc*Xyz? doesn't send out news on change.
Item10558 MailerContrib change emails are incorrect on 1.1.3beta2
Item10564 using : in an INCLUDE will crash your foswiki
Item10571 configure to provide keyboard shortcut for "Save"
Item10587 New jquery gives error when accessing meta variable
Item10617 Interwiki links include trailing bracket
Item10618 TwistyPlugin crashes Foswiki when topic has a trailing )
Item10619 InterwikiPlugin links can not be formatted
Item10624 Configure file check limit is lower than the number of files we ship
Item10625 The defined in an IF has problems with syntax precedence when used in a more complex way
Item10626 TWiki web is revealed even if TWikiCompatibilityPlugin is disabled
Item10634 Add a README in working/logs to make sure it is in the distrubution with the right access rights


Item8085 TinyMCE converting international characters into HTML entities
Item8456 Blanks in form field names are cropped in search
Item8876 the UserRegistration topic is unhelpful to an admin of a rego disabled site.
Item9260 Allow the INTERWIKIPLUGIN_RULESTOPIC to be a comma separated list
Item9524 Update interface of History Plugin
Item10095 Provide field for user to enter perl module
Item10148 Upgrade to jquery-ui to 1.8
Item10170 Release ScanForMissingPerlModules
Item10210 Add pnotify for notifications
Item10271 Update to TinyMCE
Item10355 Fatwilly theme looks unfinished
Item10357 Only emit inline css when there's a foswikiTable on the current page
Item10373 Default to jquery 1.4.3
Item10416 Add github to icons
Item10443 Add option to not show the current revision in the list
Item10537 Divide InstallationGuide into two parts

Foswiki Patch Release 1.1.4 Details


Item1200 Unexpected result when link text contains email address
Item1539 Fields in System.UserRegistration still prefixed Twk## instead Fwk##
Item8647 TablePlugin generates empty tfoot, even when there are footer rows
Item9164 The crypt-md5 encoding in is not cross-platform compatible
Item9496 Implement re-usable way to set default text of input fields
Item10070 move/rename does not find backlinks followed by underscore
Item10136 Add module path to the plugin diagnostics - displays only for admin users.
Item10265 Username field in Login is left-aligned in Internet Explorer
Item10288 Use of alt-shift-s save accesskey while in WYSIWYG fullscreen looses changes
Item10302 Update to JQuery 1.7.1 and make it the default version
Item10438 lighttpd incompatibility - found in viewfile, but could be there for other things too
Item10449 Form with all hidden fields should be hidden in view
Item10468 Up and Down Arrow-Keys not working with Firefox 4
Item10479 Complex searches can fail with deep recursion
Item10505 Formfields are double-encoded when redirected from a login request.
Item10559 TablePlugin Use of uninitialized value in numeric comparison (...) at ... line 1421
Item10566 ApacheLogin throws 403 instead of 401 to unauthenticated users with rest, viewfile, rdiff and compare scripts
Item10623 bin/.htaccess.txt is inconsistent with other htaccess files. Move to bin-htaccess.txt
Item10644 bin/changes output is corrupted
Item10658 SEARCHDEFAULTTTYPE no longer referenced
Item10660 Some email address autolinking doesn't work
Item10661 Typo in System.ManagingUsers breaks site if following example
Item10665 can't copy attachments under a different user
Item10666 can't save attachments with a "0" comment
Item10671 rename not handling anchored links
Item10677 CompareRevisionsAddonPlugin doesn't set $NO_PREFS_IN_TOPIC
Item10681 More issues with changes script
Item10690 TOPICLIST bug handling web= parameter
Item10692 Offer no-column stylesheet for fatwilly theme
Item10699 DocumentGraphics Metadata and Attachments inconsistent
Item10714 Form fields of type date cannot be edited with pop-up calendar
Item10729 Document all core tools scripts in System.CommandAndCGIScripts
Item10755 Template login page heading and help text are not translated.
Item10758 SiteMap SEARCH is needlessly inefficient (slow)
Item10779 Core should not call srand() to seed rand()
Item10784 Configuration checker for DataDir is confused by some installation locations.
Item10794 Foswiki::Func::renderText cannot return a result which is a "0" zero
Item10801 Search is broken with PatternSkin on 1.0.9
Item10802 Use of uninitialized value multiple locations in Foswiki::Search::InfoCache
Item10803 CompareRevisionsAddOn causes illegal {SwitchBoard} value in Foswiki configuration (affects ApacheLogin users)
Item10804 Some radio buttons on WebSearch behave erratically when clicked on the label
Item10807 Prevent recursion in template expansion
Item10815 Registration type automatic will add new user to every group when used by Admin. Show the groups that will be updated.
Item10818 New Groups UI doesn't autocomplete a group name when adding a group to a group.
Item10827 TWISTY sets empty cookie value for remember="off" instead of clearing it, causes excessive overhead
Item10834 Typo in conditional templates for BatchUploadPlugin
Item10836 PatternSkin broken on 1.0.x
Item10837 Deprecated (before/after)AttachmentSaveHanders were actually deleted.
Item10846 don't duplicate id attributes in TOC
Item10848 Compatibility issues if PatternSkin installed on Foswiki 1.0.9
Item10858 can't extract metadata stored in html5 data- attributes
Item10869 REST validation error code doesn't agree with response body
Item10874 Using "Add/change form" button saves fully-qualified Web.Topic name even if WEBFORMS = Topic
Item10881 Package installer reports succeeded even when it fails.
Item10883 Windows-safe paths
Item10888 FORMAT macro's $web token strips '/' char from web names
Item10889 "Use of uninitialized" warnings in Foswiki::Query, Foswiki::Time
Item10891 Use regular search output on Sandbox home
Item10893 Setting none as databg or headerbg takes the preference color setting instead of no color
Item10895 With query search I want to list fields that don't have the attribute hidden set
Item10896 Insecure dependency in configure creating working directory under some environments
Item10898 SEARCH{... order="formfield(a),formfield(b)" ASSERT error (when ASSERTs are enabled)
Item10905 Wiki [[ syntax does not fully support mailto
Item10906 Adding incorrect user to a group kills WikiGroups
Item10927 Loss of metadata when an admin user updates an attachment's properties
Item10940 LocalSite.cfg supports specifications relative to other definitions, but configure breaks them.
Item10946 TwistyPlugin tries fetch defunct/missing jquery.twisty.css
Item10950 Error in the german translation.
Item10951 Edit help is incorrect when WYSIWYG excluded due to topic content.
Item10952 configure {Htpasswd}{Encoding} defaults to crypt which throws a warning, without any guidance for what alternative to choose or why
Item10961 calling Foswiki::Func::saveAttachment() can destroy the topic content
Item10963 perl 5.14 qw deprecation breaks configure
Item10969 RenderListPlugin examples fail
Item10970 list parser for DISABLEDPLUGINS does not strip whitespaces from list items
Item10971 can't change TABLEATTRIBUTES when used in persistent perl installations
Item10978 Select element created with select+values does not handle empty select string
Item10980 MailerContrib unit tests broken if run with HTMLValidationTests - exposed issue that might hit persistent perl environments.
Item10988 missing undocumented web parameter in FORMFIELD
Item10989 Cannot confirm validation request of CSRF protection if validation method is 'embedded' - no buttons displayed
Item10992 FORMFIELD can't default to zero
Item10993 FORMFIELD does not read values from txt file
Item10996 Various typoes/fixes for online docs and web pages
Item10999 ApacheHtpasswdUser unit tests failing on Windows
Item11000 Foswiki::Time shouldn't be trying to convert undefined $epochSeconds
Item11001 Error in ,v causes crash in RcsLite when it calls the logger
Item11005 Surplus "; in JQueryPlugin/
Item11008 Foswiki::ListIterator is not always loaded
Item11011 Make "logged in as admin" alert less ugly
Item11012 Several issues with support for seconds in JSCalendarContrib.
Item11016 FamFamFam buttons do not pick up rev and queryparams for the print action.
Item11017 Redundant afterSaveHandler called before renaming
Item11020 Reverted changes to JSCalendarContrib made after 1.1.3 - compatibility with alternate date formats had been broken.
Item11041 Typo of Berkeley in and
Item11045 TOC doesn't remove manual links properly
Item11051 Chili highlighter corrupts output on Firefox 7 and Safari Rev. 6-17-2011. Changed default to disabled, and added a checker to warn if enabled. Also added warnings for other deprecated JQuery plugins.
Item11059 Email address followed by a dot generates email link with dot included
Item11079 Trailing spaces breaks LISTUNIQUE in SpreadSheetPlugin
Item11083 Table should sort if sort is off but initsort has a column number
Item11084 CSS class foswikiMakeVisible for elements other than span and div does not work
Item11087 SlideShowPlugin must urlencode both the name and value of query parameters
Item11091 RCS VC needs to handle mauled .txt better
Item11105 Saving an attachment stores "save attachment" string in version history, instead of the attachment comment
Item11114 __DATA__ sections keep file handler open
Item11136 Spurrious config item changes reported if key contains a colon
Item11138 WebNotify gives different results if trailing spaces present on line
Item11145 Search for Template topics extremely slow - kills WebCreateNewTopicTemplate usage
Item11149 jscalendar broken when using jquery in noconflict mode
Item11157 PlainFile logger rotates logs on localtime, not gmtime.
Item11163 Topics show as Version r0 if .txt,v file exists in store, and .txt file is newer.
Item11174 PreferenceSettings examples don't work when included in Macros topic.
Item11176 https include used monkey patching instead of object inheritance.
Item11180 REGISTRATIONGROUPS does not work. Users are not added to the groups, and the documentation is confusing.
Item11181 Core table rendering issues found with tfoot, and table fails to end previous list. (Not seen if TablePlugin is enabled.)
Item11182 Restructure statistics documentation, resolve an issue were statistics not generated for subwebs.
Item11183 Sync SpreadSheetPlugin with TWiki version - add SPLIT, HEXENCODE, HEXDECODE, BITXOR, XOR, LISTNONEMPTY, WHILE, isodate formats and DOY - Day of Year dates
Item11185 can't attach filenames with unicode chars in it
Item11189 Images referenced in square bracket link text are not rendered
Item11193 typo in lib/Foswiki/ causing all (cached) pages to be delivered with a Last-Modified: header set to 01 Jan 1970
Item11194 Add to warnings reported by {AuthScripts} checker. Warn if statistics unprotected. Warn to confirm apache config if not using TemplateLogin
Item11195 Updated Foswiki Time code to better handle timezones and Daylight Savings time.
Item11200 Some crafted URLs result in a Undefined warning in Foswiki::Store::VC::Handler
Item11204 Various improvements to, jquery.tooltip, jquery.superfish, jquery.ui.resizable, jquery.button, jquery.ui.dialog and jquery.textboxlist
Item11205 is not reporting out-of-date extension when migrating from date to dotted versions.
Item11208 Group UI allows you to create an illegal group name not ending in Group.
Item11212 Group UI should not allow users to be added to NobodyGroup, or added to/removed from BaseGroup.
Item11213 SiteChanges topic has some issues.
Item11215 Search pager broken when filtering on date.
Item11224 Use of uninitialized variable in TablePlugin/
Item11226 Configure load CGI pefore setting libpath, so system CGI cannot be overridden for configure
Item11227 TablePlugin is causing undefined variable errors in Time::Local
Item11231 Escaped ABBREV in heading generate an incorrect Anchor link
Item11239 SpreadSheetPlugin LEFTSTRING and has inconsistent results when cell has leading spaces
Item11260 Improve documentation of the NOSEARCHALL parameter.
Item11258 WikiGroups doesn't link to group names that are not wikiwords.
Item11275 jquery.cookie should return undefined rather than empty to avoid setting unnecessary cookies.
Item11279 Topic sort order does not take into account the configured locale.
Item11287 Resolve compatibility issues with Perl 5.14.
Item11309 viewfile script returns filenames in lower case. Generate a correct Content-Disposition header preserving the filename case.
Item11325 Issues with repRev and delRev commands.
Item11331 Errors in TablePlugin in persistent perl environments.
Item11335 JQueryAjaxHelper examples don't work reliably.
Item11350 TablePlugin issues a die if included table is not found.
Item11373 Unable to add member to group if new member contained within another member.


Item9335 extensions list in configure jumps around
Item9459 Improved difference presentation in change notification emails (partial fix)
Item9702 Add documentation for template tokens
Item9845 Performance of language translations can be improved by using compressed .mo files instead of .po files
Item10217 Add SMELL report to PerlDoc report
Item10521 Implement Support for SMTP over SSL
Item10522 Implement SMIME support
Item10523 Add setting for servertime in email headers
Item10616 When installing an extension, the logs should be saved
Item10637 Allow IP addresses to be supressed from logs
Item10791 Add jquery.tmpl to JQueryPlugin
Item10792 Add history support to jquery.tabpane
Item10793 Update jquery.validate
Item10795 updating jquery.metadata to support html5 attributes
Item10796 update and add a better default skin for the flv player
Item10782 Support page references with spaces and special characters by quoting Wikisite:'link (text)'
Item10850 Don't show the EmptyPlugin in configure's list of plugins to enable
Item10880 move to jquery.ui.autocomplete
Item10886 make theming of jquery-ui pluggable
Item10902 Configure should show expanded values for parameters
Item10919 Configure needs a function to test the email configuration
Item10934 Add option to search subwebs via the WebSearch UI
Item10962 Rework to be more flexible with supported encoding
Item11086 Improve position of action button on configure screens
Item11104 Add small trash icon
Item11119 create a new foswiki jquery-ui theme
Item11126 deprecate JQuery shake module - It is included in the jquery-ui effect stack.

Foswiki Patch Release 1.1.5 Details


Item652 Register can fail midway and leave the registration half done making re-registration impossible.
Item710 Registration failure due to email created topics but loses the password (deferred to 1.1)
Item2174 WysiwygPlugin removes line breaks
Item2196 Email errors not handled well during registration
Item4777 {SafeEnvPath} deserves a decent default
Item8981 Broken copy - paste of list items
Item9259 Tables containing headings fail to roundtrip
Item9563 pushTopicContext does not re-read preferences in afterSaveHandler
Item9569 Macros are processed by commonTagsHandler within verbatim blocks of included topics
Item9647 select+values formfields can lose their value mapping
Item10071 select+values formfield doesn't display its mapped value
Item10172 Error with Statistics
Item10238 Can't create empty groups with UI
Item10245 Make TABPANE contents visible if no js
Item10350 If search results are less than pagesize, unresolved token shows up
Item10383 JQuerySimpleModal sample window isn't displayed properly in 1.1.2 (was good in 1.1.1)
Item10546 Foswiki Func does not seem to have a way to expand tmpl parameters
Item10648 Checking PATH for an insecure elements
Item10669 Relax the check which assigns {DefaultUrlHost} as the urlHost, to detect localhost URL variants using https and custom port numbers
Item10937 View iterates through the revs when a revision directive isn't present
Item11146 Cannot edit on IE8
Item11196 Better error feedback from TopicUserMapper and UI::Register
Item11312 TinyMCE Corrupting HTML Tables
Item11337 Delete of a Heading 1 in WYSIWYG mangles the headings
Item11354 TablePlugin doesn't report errors back to user
Item11366 Ampersands in [[Square Bracket?queries]] are double-encoded
Item11369 The message "Please wait... retrieving page from server" looks too much like an error. Change to "Loading" JS Animation.
Item11378 Strike-out <del>, <s> tags are lost in WYSIWYG transition
Item11382 Javascript error with IE7 causes Format dropdown to fail on nested webs
Item11384 $Foswiki::cfg references in other config variables not expanded within web Extensions installer
Item11385 List iterator fails on undef lists.
Item11386 Upgrades to 1.1.x don't get the OP_match operator added to query search. Breaks attachments table.
Item11395 Statistics topic changes in Item11182 has issues if WebStatistics topic is renamed or archived.
Item11398 Foswiki logger fails to rotate files other than events.log
Item11403 Properly remove spurious lease files
Item11409 HtpasswdUser issues when shared between multiple Foswiki instances
Item11410 Implement USERINFOisTooRestrictive
Item11423 Can't disable default tableplugin settings
Item11427 @_lines redefined in I18N module
Item11436 HtpasswdUser creates a cache, make it a global cache
Item11440 Inside <pre> formatted text, <b>, <strong> tags are lost in WYSIWYG transition
Item11444 Document {WarningsAreErrors} in EmptyPlugin
Item11445 SANDBOXWEB macro is undefined.
Item11446 The rest script needs better endPoint handling
Item11448 WYSIWYG-Editor: Table Cell Background Color and other table styling lost on save.
Item11450 SpreadSheetPlugin $ABOVE() thinks rows are zero-based
Item11452 MetaCache robustness: remove from cache on $topicObject->finish()
Item11453 Convert RenderListPlugin to use preRenderingHandler
Item11458 TopicUserMapping blocks registration if passwords are not writable - FAIL!!
Item11461 beforeSaveHandler is passed an uncommitted meta object
Item11462 Email debug messages need some improvements
Item11463 Configure updates for checkers and documentation
Item11467 Need better documentation and handling of Perl dependencies
Item11468 FORMAT{"0" type="string"... doesn't work
Item11478 Statistics not generated for subwebs
Item11484 The statistics script updates topics with GET. It should be restricted to POST
Item11490 script needs POST capability to run statistics
Item11492 Rename computes the list of referring topics even though there's no LOCAL_SEARCH or GLOBAL_SEARCH on the rename template
Item11495 {AuthRealm} checker doesn't detect htdigest-md5 encoding
Item11501 User registration needs mechanism to validate form fields
Item11502 %QUERY containing where clause can fail if only one item is being examined
Item11503 Spelling mistake in the installation guide
Item11506 Value of GMTIME{"$week"} is not ISO8601 conform
Item11511 Helper topics that return JSON should set content type application/json
Item11520 Extra slash in link throwing off google crawler
Item11523 $dollarcomma token not used in SUBSTITUTE and other Spreadsheet macros
Item11526 The renderWikiWordHandler is called for things that are not WikiWord links
Item11533 Argument "50" isn't numeric in multiplication, line 279
Item11540 Documentation updates for SlideShowPlugin
Item11541 Resizing EditBox broken: enlarges a lot, shrink doesn't work
Item11545 Excessive debug logging from Statistics runs
Item11553 Configure Extensions tabs needs some usability help
Item11554 Logs are not rolling on first of months.
Item11564 AuthScripts checker could be a little more helpful
Item11567 Manage and register needs some tlc
Item11582 Use style attributes instead of bgcolor
Item11584 Fn_MAKETEXT::test_underscore fails unless at least one language is enabled
Item11585 Configure loads DEPENDENCIES from lib, but file is in lib/Foswiki/Contrib/core
Item11586 Foswiki::Func::saveTopicText() with embedded META:TOPICINFO duplicates the TOPICINFO.
Item11588 Foswiki::inlineAlert() reports missing template if resutls are empty. Also wrong template name.
Item11591 Don't try to view invalid rev
Item11600 Hitting cancel on the 'edit topic preferences' oopsmore UI saves the changes
Item11603 Protect inline script and style tags from wysiwyg
Item11606 Documentation 'ifStatements ==> ingroup-Function'
Item11616 Top of the formatting help in edit seems to not be rendered right anymore
Item11622 Pattern's print skin adds path and author information to the output that is not in a separate div - so its impossible to hide with css
Item11623 The pattern skin revision info has an odd failure mode when a is a wikiname that isn't a valid cuid anymore
Item11627 Manage editSettings does not take a topic lease.
Item11635 WebSiteTools was still using the deprecated search script
Item11649 Release 1.1 SlideShowPlugin breaks jquery widgets
Item11655 CommentPlugin types table is missing some shipped types.
Item11666 Looks like the defaulting of checkboxes in dataforms is broken (at least it is not doing what the docco says)
Item11675 Correct boolean operator and comment
Item11680 Mixed http and https sites get logged off too quickly
Item11682 LINKTOOLTIPINFO html corrupted if text contained quotes and removal created a WikiWord
Item11701 JSCalendarContrib should fallback to numbers for month in case it is given a date like 1/12/2012 and format expects 1 Dec 2012.
Item11702 Redirect call in Save and Rename have incorrect call to Foswiki::redirect()
Item11704 Document use of %BR% to create linebreaks in FormattedSearch results
Item11706 Configure doesn't make it easy to set a missing admin password
Item11728 GroupViewTemplate loads style definitions into head repeatedly
Item11730 QUERY referencing the attachment fields can't access attachment 0 when there is only one attachment


Item8744 Sandbox webname should be configurable in the same way that other default webs are configurable
Item10724 Update to WYSIWYG Editor to TinyMCE 3.4.7
Item11365 Un-deprecate, improve Foswiki::Func::getScriptUrlPath() API
Item11367 Add Javascript callbacks to get notified after editor changes to/from Raw or WYSIWYG mode.
Item11368 Alllow templates to better control placement of the WYSIWYG button.
Item11394 Implement Development.ImproveStatisticsHandlingForMissingTopics
Item11428 add +values to radio and checkbox formfields
Item11437 Add package navigation to Perl Doc
Item11517 Use a better password method for configure
Item11518 Add BCrypt encryption to
Item11524 Enhance SpreadSheetPlugin with new functions FLOOR and CEILING
Item11532 Add link to StandardColors to web creation form
Item11563 Change default password encoding to apache-md5 and enable auto-detect of old crypt passwords by default
Item11568 Re-introduce style option and new default calendar skin
Item11576 Add support for redirectto to the addUserToGroup and removeUserFromGroup register actions.
Item11605 Implement Development.AddOptionalRegistrationEmailValidation
Item11636 You are trying to viewfile an attachment that does not exist. lacks a link to the topic.
Item11656 Pattern skin font definitions are too far into the html to work for JQDialogs
Item11663 All Form/'s should have a css class on them.. especially Label.
Item11685 We should not use simplemodal, but rather the much better jquery.ui.dialog.

Foswiki Patch Release 1.1.6 Details


Item1396 Anchors and Links are not handled by WysiwygPlugin.
Item2306 WebStatistics calculates wrong numbers.
Item8668 Log changes shouldn't require user to edit LocalSite.cfg.
Item9305 WysiwygPlugin ignores NOAUTOLINK.
Item9662 Table borders look odd when you first insert a table using TinyMCE.
Item10685 Func::createWeb fails to customize WebPreferences as documented.
Item11281 BulkResetPassword filters out usernames that begin with Web.
Item11397 Write EXPORTEDPREFERENCES as JSON instead of meta tags.
Item11480 Contents of HTML input blocks should not be rendered as wikitext.
Item11537 Broken links in WikiReferences.
Item11571 Topic creator lacks feedback - Javascript disables the create button until the user makes a wikiword or clicks allow non wikiword.
Item11717 Adding a comma to the JQueryTextboxList example (separator parameter) will fix the missing list.
Item11722 Verbatim block with class=foswikiHidden is hidden from edit.
Item11755 compare breaks charset encodings.
Item11756 Revision information is not displayed on bottom of page.
Item11760 The "strikeone" javascript is loaded to the wrong zone
Item11767 The Copy topic feature on More topic actions doesn't take over an existing parent/child setting.
Item11780 Func::expandCommonVariables should ASSERT if called in initPlugin.
Item11784 Wysiwyg no longer handles Foswiki Colors correctly.
Item11798 Save/Cancel on Edit Topic Settings dialog fails with an error for non-English localizated sites.
Item11801 Unable to install foswiki 1.1.5 debian package on ubuntu 12.04 due to unmet dependency.
Item11814 HTML2TML breaks hrefs with URI encoding.
Item11818 ! escaped WikiWords are shown as linking in Wysiwyg.
Item11819 WysiwygPlugin / TinyMCEPlugin remove whitespace - hiddden newline spans are not preserved.
Item11821 Default htpasswd encoding needs non-core CPAN module.
Item11854 Configure shows empty error blocks.
Item11859 Switching from raw to WYSIWYG and back, removes <br />.
Item11872 WysiwygPlugin interleaves <div> tags between <p> paragraph tabs. This is not legal xhtml.
Item11860 Search pager not working with zeroresults parameter passed to template.
Item11880 Print view shows unexpanded TML line.
Item11884 Unable to place cursor above a pre, verbatim, or blockquote at start of topic.
Item11898 Remove id=nonwikiword from template module.
Item11909 Sandbox topic creator doesn't prevent invalid topic names. Note special upgrade instructions.
Item11910 Several issues with {Trace}{LoginManager}.
Item11911 Expert settings no longer color marked.
Item11912 hitting ctrl-i in tinymce appears to result in a 'funny square' char as well as italics.
Item11915 WysiwygPlugin divides tables into multiple tables if a \ line continuation is not preceded by a space.
Item11918 Instructions to block all explicit email from WebHotify cause a regex failure in notify run.
Item11923 Changes to AdminGroup by the group API should always force a new revision.
Item11927 Fix for Item5464 incomplete. Move or delete of an attachment still verifies TOPICRENAME and WEBRENAME permissions.
Item11928 default values in radio and select formfields are a bad idea.
Item11929 Serious performance problem when deleting topics.
Item11930 CompareRevisionsAddOn only looks at WebPreferences, disregards SitePreferences for COMPARECONTEXT value.
Item11934 viewfile needs to quote content disposition parameters.
Item11940 rename script cannot be used from CLI. Fails on several issues.
Item11945 Log when missing/invalid formfield types are used, make dataform object cache more robust.
Item11948 ModPerlEngineContrib sometimes 'Can't locate object method "stringify" via package "APR::Error"'.
Item11955 Configure fails with new RCS version, Argument "5.8.1" isn't numeric in numeric lt (<).
Item11965 MailNotify fails with perl "undefined value" errors, and needs better error reporting.
Item11981 USERINFO: broken with FastCGI and {AntiSpam}{HideUserDetails}.
Item12002 The lastest JQueryPlugin breaks edit mode of PatternSkin.
Item12003 FAQRebuildingWikiUsersTopic creates a bad WikiUsers topic.
Item12006 UserRegistration should not list NobodyGroup.
Item12008 Unable to create a topic when its topicparent contains a '+' in its name.
Item12022 Log rotation is too slow, causes timeouts on busy sites at the end of month.
Item12034 Use "sub-web" consistently instead of a mxiture of Hierarchical, nested, and "sub" webs.
Item12040 crashes with undefined Foswiki::Iterator if subclass doesn't implement eachEventSince.
Item12043 WysiwygPlugin: WikiWord links not handled properly in noautolink sections.
Item12058 Find emails should be case insensitive.
Item12072 MailerContrib documents non-existent user arg, example cron invocations are broken.
Item12075 won't check multivalued params specified in the query string correctly.
Item12077 Unit tests appear to hang if Archive::Zip and zip/unzip tools are not installed.
Item12080 Perl 5.16 deprecates length ( @array ) - need to use scalar.
Item12086 Removing of spurious lease files fails taint checking.
Item12092 New topic link style should not have a question mark.
Item12094 Change Configure password from salted MD5 to Apache APR1 type hash.
Item12095 Template Login panel is not returning error messages to the user.
Item12105 FastCGIEngineContrib may issue body before headers.
Item12115 HttpCompress is incompatible with UseLocale. Flag error in config checker..
Item12137 Invalid regular expression entered by admin causes configure to crash.
Item12138 Configure regexp checker broken.
Item12139 Fix configuration checking of Regular Expressions, and add some missing checkers.
Item12152 Context isadmin is broken.
Item12153 SpreadSheetPlugin uses old style URL in calc demo.
Item12157 Miscellaneous configure issues.
Item12158 Installed plugins lines that reference non-enabled plugins are not links.
Item12166 Search for * results in search crash.
Item12174 rendering a label formfield does not respect noautolink and friends.
Item12182 Better wording for "You are trying to viewfile an attachment that does not exist".
Item12188 Login template shows NOTE div even when no NOTE defined.
Item12190 Enable Chili highlighter by default.
Item12193 RcsWrap coMustCopy litters /tmp with temporary files.
Item12194 AuthRealm checker flags $Foswiki::cfg references as errors.
Item12195 Chili display error with jquery-1.7.2 in IE7 and IE8.
Item12198 Foswiki::Func::checkAccessPermission overrides meta text, and $text option is non-functional.
Item12199 Improve rendering of <pre> blocks.
Item12201 TinyMCE does not list all JQueryChili classes.
Item12205 Registration accepts LoginName and then cannot access it.
Item12213 Make button icon transparent.
Item12214 Default jquery-ui theme overrides manual JQTHEME choice.
Item12235 Temporary password generator doesn't honor MinPasswordLength.
Item12262 TopicUserMapping fails to find users if PasswordManager is set to none, and AllowLoginName is enabled.
Item12263 Partial fix: Foswiki::Users::passwordError() only returns errors from the Base mapper.
Item12266 Configure crashes with "Insecure Dependency" error if Working or Log directory are changed.


Item3830 Script bin/manage should write a log file entry.
Item10089 WysiwygPlugin should allow editors to work on double bracket links as <a> tags.
Item11175 Upgrade JQueryPlugin to validation plugin version 1.9.0.
Item11592 WYSIWYG doesn't protect newlines in GluePlugin macro syntax.
Item11740 Create pattern theme for jqdialogs.
Item11742 Remove all jquery versions prior to 1.7.1.
Item11771 jqDialog has no feedback on error.
Item11802 Update TMCE to 3.4.9.
Item11855 Move Configure Proxies setting to Security and Authentication.
Item11889 Add an option to conditionally not show close button in JQuery textboxlist.
Item11893 Let breadcrumb's first component link to WIKIHOMEURL.
Item11904 Split out logout code from LoginManager.
Item11917 Update JQueryPlugin simplemodal plugin to version 1.4.2.
Item11935 Set the umask explicitly while creating session files.
Item11985 Duplicate email check does not check for pending registrations.
Item11986 Need code to clear out old registration_approval requests.
Item11993 Upgrade JQueryPlugin livequery plugin.
Item12007 Extensions.JSCalendarContrib: date form field tends to override default form button.
Item12017 Add %SITEMAPWHAT% to default WebHome.
Item12079 Twisty preferences are added to the wrong zone.
Item12081 Insert a space into the shebang line of all scripts. Improves perlbrew usage.
Item12140 Add auto checking by field type to bin/configure.
Item12211 Configure will now save backup copies of the LocalSite.cfg file.
Item12215 jquery.loader is visible briefly before javascript is executed.
Item12233 Plugins should not render in-topic links for static context.
Item12234 InterWikiPlugin should use for CPAN links, also clean up dead links.
Item12267 Convert from SVN Revisions to perl Version strings.

Foswiki Patch Release 1.1.7 Details


Item9357 Login with illegal web results in Assert failure, or Uninitialized variable.
Item11546 Can't locate object method "TopicObject", in Foswiki/ line 311.
Item11765 Error message generated when creating a topic with a missing formtemplate topic pre-pends a web - even if there already is one.
Item12231 bin/configure fails to close opened file handles.
Item12271 Conditional dependency (ONLYIF option) is too restrictive to be all that useful.
Item12279 Net::SMTP::SSL Email fails with SSL_verify_mode error on recent versions of IO::Socket::SSL
Item12285 Resolve MAKETEXT vulnerabilities CVE-2012-6329 and CVE-2012-6330.
Item12297 Conditional initializing a perl variable exposes a core perl bug.
Item12300 Potential write on closed filehandle processing languages cache.
Item12301 I18N->maketext calls in plugin init run before user language has been determined.
Item12310 Update registration documentation and other documentation changes.
Item12330 bin/configure crashes when run using cygwin perl.
Item12336 Update docs for Func::addUserToGroup.
Item12337 Remove dependency on version 4.0 of HTML::TreeBuilder.
Item12347 Undeclared dependency on Crypt::PasswdMD5.
Item12351 A font size change in 1.1.6 broke tuned table layouts with undesired word wrapping. Restore 1.1.5 font size.
Item12353 Add configuration checker for MaxLSCBackups - prevent crash if directory containing LocalSite.cfg is not writable.
Item12367 Upload of filename containing special characters fails if redirected through strikeone validation.
Item12368 bin/configure crashes with undefined input to lc</code on some versions of Windows.
Item12371 Request cache breaks when there is a POST parameter with empty name.


Item12278 TML WikiWord links need better handling by TMCE to avoid inconsistent links.
Item11900 Implement setting to force foswiki to return the DefaultUrlHost regardless of original the input URL.
Item12324 configure should not reveal password fields in confirmation messages and logs.
Item12329 Code that deletes stale registrations needs it's own expiration timer. Session timer is too short when manually approving registrations.

Foswiki Patch Release 1.1.8 Details


Item12382 Unable to send more than one email using Net::SMTP::SSL due to code reusablity issue.
Item12391 Fix CVE-2013-1666 vulnerability in MAKETEXT macro.
Item12398 Configure crashes installing package with malformed manifest.
Item12408 Documentation of template names on CompareRevisionsAddOn wiki page are wrong

Foswiki Patch Release 1.1.9 Details


Item12064 In data forms, buttons "Set all" and "Clear all" do nothing when clicked.
Item12084 Can't use an undefined value as a symbol reference in lib/Foswiki/Request/ when uploading an attachment.
Item12413 Crash in Foswiki/ when using perl 5.16 and later.
Item12414 File::Temp->tempfile() will cause die in upcoming release of File::Temp
Item12420 Debian patches Locale::Maketext without incrementing the $VERSION
Item12423 Wrong encoding for compare
Item12439 SiteToolStatistics page requires login to view
Item12444 Wysiwyg error: "Wide character in subroutine entry"
Item12446 Dependency check is inconsistent with Perl version comparisons
Item12461 Locale::MakeText warnings should be spelled correctly
Item12464 ManagingTopics documentation for reverting a topic is wrong
Item12466 SEARCH formfield method returning label instead of value in select+value fields
Item12471 "Print on closed file handle" crash in configure checker when LocalSite.cfg cannot be written.
Item12474 replace yuicompressor with a better state-of-the-art tool
Item12478 Documentation incorrect for URLPARAM default= parameter.
Item12480 Memory leak in TablePlugin amasses css styles from all visited pages
Item12482 Incorrect derivation of value for 'lang' and 'xml:lang' attributes
Item12476 Improved parsing of URLs
Item12491 TOPICLIST does not respect access rights
Item12520 add jquery-1.10.1 and jquery-2.0.2 bugfix releases
Item12526 Bracketed links don't recognize all anchors generated for TML headings
Item12528 wrong map while downgrading chars in wikiword's map
Item12555 Improve wording for InterWiki Link Rules
Item12559 scope in EXPAND messes up the topic context (hot fix available)
Item12567 Version check in configure for JQuery plugins doesn't work correctly
Item12570 Ordered Lists: type= needs to be removed and replaced with style="list-style-type:"
Item12585 Missing configuration of {files_without_match} parameter/option in
Item12589 Login information (username or Password) left in Query or Cookie Data
Item12590 Certain exceptions are rendered twice
Item12594 Some keyword searces run exponentially longer with more topics in web.
Item12597 Expand/Collapse all in TwistyPlugin behaves as a toggle
Item12599 use jQuery-1.9x (not 2.0.x) for IE9
Item12602 force-load jquery-migrate when using jquery > 1.9.x
Item12604 add web font mimetypes
Item21614 Convert to modern CSS and JS Compressors: uglifyJS and minCSS (Foswiki build process)
Item21615 CLI script parameter processing is inconsistent -parm=value vs. -parm value.
Item12616 Issues introduced by perl 5.18 hash rewrite.
Item12631 JQuery ui-autocomplete examples are not functional.
Item12632 The upstream jquery-ui draggable module uses the wrong position of draggable elements in firefox.
Item12633 JQuery ui-spinner not functional due to missing css.
Item12650 Improve configure's handling of deprecated and removed JQuery plugins.
Item12652 Configure fails to reveal EXPERT Items with warnings.
Item12653 PatternSkin CSS rule makes jQuery icons disappear.
Item12658 Skin dependencies are incorrectly resolved when installed from configure.


Item12345 upgrade jquery and other 3rd party plugins.
Item12518 add support for jquery-2.x without disturbing oldIEs.
Item12519 upgrade superfish to latest version.
Item12600 minor changes to jquery components.

Foswiki Patch Release 1.1.10 Details


Item12001 Configure installs extension multiple times.
Item12832 Unhelpful error message for app using save script
Item13775 CGI::Param called in list context - Workaround for Foswiki 1.1.
Item13776 Perl 5.20 - 5.23 compatibility fixes for Fosiwiki 1.1.
Item13778 CGI -any pragma deprecated. Backport fixes to Foswiki 1.1
Item13789 Backport CLI fix for 1.1.x, AllowLoginName blocks admin CLI access.
Item13794 Backport fix to REST not to try to strike-one-validate when called from CLI.
Item13852 CommentPlugin should warn about COMMENT permissions.


Item13777 Backport URLPARAM encode and SEARCH decode changes from Foswiki 2.0.
Item13786 Implemement wildcard ACLs into 1.1.10.
Item13790 Backport i18n for extensions to 1.1.x.
Item13791 Backport CSS classes in script/link/style elements in zones for 1.1.x.
Item13792 Backport profiling api in to 1.1.x.
Item13793 Backport %CALCULATE macro and other SpreadSheetPlugin features for 1.1.x.
Item13842 Backport Foswiki::Tables::* modules into Release 1.1.
Item13844 Sync master branch extensions into Release01x01 branch.

Related Topic: ReleaseHistory ReleaseNotes01x00
Topic revision: r1 - 20 Sep 2024, UnknownUser
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